Ch. 2 - Population AP Human Geography Boucher
Where is the world’s population distributed?
Arithmetic (population) Density Map # of people / total land area – Why misleading?
Alternative Density Maps Physiological Density Map – Number of people supported by a unit area of area land Agricultural Density – Ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of agricultural land Would developed countries have a higher or lower ratio?
World Population Snapshot! East Asia – ¼ of the world’s population – High population areas: China, Korea, Japan South Asia – Bound by Himalayas and a desert in Pakistan – High population areas: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh Europe – Population concentrated in cities – Lack of area = large clusters throughout North America – East Coast megalopolis – Boston through Washington DC as one continuous city
Crude Birth Rate (CBR) Total number of live births / 1,000 people
Crude Death Rate (CDR) = Total number of deaths / 1,000 people
Natural Increase Rate (NIR) Births – Deaths = NIR (Does not account for migration) - Current Rate of NIR = 1.2% (equates to doubling time of 54 years) - NIR higher in developing countries
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) – Number of births in country
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) – Deaths of infants under age 1 / 1,000 births
Life Expectancy – Number of years a newborn infant can expect to live at current mortality rates – Seeing a trend???
A Population Bomb? 1798 – Thomas Malthus argues that the world’s population was growing exponentially, and faster than food supplies (How to avoid this?) Neo-Malthusians – The Population Bomb (1968) – Critics (Friedrich Engels) believe that world has enough resources, just not evenly shared Do we have a population problem?