Review:Hejduk “ Specular and Diffuse Components in Spherical Satellite Photometric Modelling ” (AMOS2011) Tsuyoshi Sakamoto (JSGA)
Introduction Derive the physical properties of the space debris by optical observations Space debris:Lambertian sphere This model does not well fit the observed light curve apparent magnitude of the Sun in V-band Cross section Phase angle bond albedo Debris-observer distance
New models Diffuse-specular model(β:mixing coefficient) Diffuse-lunar model(F2->F3) Adding Earthshine Diffuse Lambertian sphere(β=1) specular sphere (β=0) Effects of full moon (β=0)
Diffuse+specular model
Effects of Earthshine Essential effects At large phase angle Magnitude by Earth illumin. is very faint
Best model
mixing coefficient