БОЖЬИ КОРОВКИ (Coccinellidae)
All the peoples of the world, these beetles are great sympathy and love. Themselves said their names in different countries - always respectful and affectionate. Beetle of the Virgin Mary - in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Lady beetle - in England, the USA, Australia, South Africa and other English- speaking stranah.Korovka St. Anthony - in Argentina. Sun - in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Belarus. Krasnoborody grandfather - in Tajikistan. The word "God" in the Russian title coccinellids is, apparently, from what people have long noticed: there are a lot of bugs, there is always a good harvest.
It's time to give a description of the appearance of our cows. So Elytra neeyarko red with black spots. Remember it all. 3 on each shard and one common prischitkovoe - only seven. On closer inspection, we see two whitish spots: they are located on the forehead. Body length of beetles can vary from 5 to 8 mm.
There are also two-point ladybugs
On the underside of the leaf the female lays her eggs in groups orange to fifty each. Only one female is able to defer up to 600 eggs. Eggs are usually oval, slightly narrowed to the ends, can be short, almost round. Coloring eggs yellow, orange, off-white, surface often wrinkled.
After one - two weeks of the rooms have nimble black with yellow spots larvae the size of 2-3 mm. Being still very little ones, they are already showing their predatory nature and attack the living things that they see around them. Larvae are often brightly colored, drawing an orange, yellow or white spots. The body surface is covered with hairs, bristles, warts and other appendages.
A month later, he had destroyed a lot of aphids and reaching a centimeter in length, right there in the feed zone of a ladybug larva turns into a black doll fixed. Often brightly colored with black, yellow and white spots.
And in a week and a half along the back of the cracked skin of it goes bug. A little rested and waiting to be properly hardened elytra and stronger, he realizes he is hungry and starts to search for food.
In terms of food of ladybugs are allocated: afidofagi (feed on aphids), koktsidofagi (feed on scale insects and beetle) miksoentomofagi (feed on a wide range of insects), akarifagi (feed on mites), herbivores (plant-eating food)
The vast majority of ladybirds - predators. Herbivorous species most widely represented in all continents of the tropics and subtropics of South- East Asia.