Corporate Diversification and Long-run Performance of SEO Firms --Evidence from Taiwan-- Jeng-Ren Chiou Ming-Yuan Li Ting-Kai Chou Chao-Ya Wan
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Hypothesis Development 3. Data and Empirical Design 4. Empirical Results Analysis 5. Conclusions
Introduction A large and growing literature examines the consequences of corporate diversification. diversified firms sell at a discount relative to focused firms. stock prices tend to fall when firms announce focus- decreasing corporate actions. The prior evidence suggests that the costs of corporate diversification exceed the benefits.
Introduction Recent papers try to identify some of the costs of diversification by examining the investment patterns of diversified firms. Scharfstein (1998) Rajan, Servaes and Zingales (2000) Cross-subsidization phenomenon A conglomerate firm always invest more in weak division than their stand-alone industry peers. diversified firms would invest more in relatively poorer projects than focused firms
Introduction There is little empirical work that directly identifies the benefits of diversification. Lewellen (1971) - coinsurance effects increase a diversified firms’ debt capacity relative to the aggregate debt capacity of its individual divisions as stand-alone firms. Williamson (1975), Stein (1997), Lamont (1997) and Shin and Stulz (1998) - internal capital market and efficiently allocating cash across divisions.
Research Objective We try to provide evidence on the potential benefits associated with corporate diversification examine the effect of diversification on subsequent performance following the equity issues. The direction of relationship between diversification and post-SEO performance is unclear.
Hypotheses Development Internal capital market hypothesis In diversified firms, profitable product lines can allocate much needed capital to negative cash flow businesses. There may also be positive synergies between the lines of businesses of the issuing firms. Under the assumptions of efficient internal capital markets and/or synergies, we would expect a positive relationship between diversification and post-SEO long run performance.
Hypotheses Development Resource misallocation hypothesis Berger and Ofek (1995) provide an exposition on how corporate diversification can decrease firm value. There may be a higher propensity for the misallocation of capital across business segments through inefficient cross-subsidization in a diversified firm. Rajan, Servaes, and Zingales (2000) Scharfstein and Stein (2000). We expect a negative relationship between diversification and post-SEO long run performance.
Data Seasoned equity offerings on the Taiwan Securities Exchange over exclude financial companies and firms without complete data. A total of 386 equity issues remain after our selection criteria. Number of SEOs issued in the period 1995 to 2002 on the Taiwan Securities Exchange507 Less: utilities and financial firms(54) Less: missing data on stock returns within 3 years after the SEO(35) Number of firms conducting SEO with complete returns in the sample period418 Less: missing data on diversification calculation-related variables(12) Less: missing data on regression control variables(20) Sample 386 Sample Selection
Sample Distribution by Year Most of the offerings occur in the periods. Due to the economic recession in Taiwan capital markets, only five offerings conducted in 2001.
Sample Distribution by Industry The SEO sample varies by industry from 143 offerings in the electronics classification to 1 offering from automobile industry.
Methodology Buy-and-Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR) BHAR represents the monthly compounding return for issuing firm from a buy and hold strategy, adjusted by the holding period return on the benchmark during the corresponding period. size-matched portfolio B/M-matched portfolio size-and-B/M-matched portfolio
Methodology Measure of Diversification (1) Herfindahl index (HINDEX) - reflects the degree to which the sales of a firm are concentrated within its divisions. The variable HINDEX equals 1 for all single- segment firms and is less than 1 for multiple- segment firms. Smaller levels of HINDEX correspond to less industry focus and greater diversification.
Methodology Measure of Diversification (2) Diversification Dummy (DIV) - identify whether a firm has multiple segments or not. The DIV equals 1 if the firm has multiple segments, and 0 otherwise.
MeanStd.Q1MedianQ3 Number of Segments Rev.-based Herfindahl Index Offering price (NT$) Issue Size (million NT$) Total assets (billion NT$) Market value (billion NT$) Book-to-market ratio Age Hot market R&D expense ratio (%) Tobin Q Subsequent SEO activity Debt ratio Return on assets (%) Cash flow/total assets (%) We find that SEO issuers, on average, have two segments. The mean Herfindahl index is The mean gross proceeds are million NT dollars or US$ million. Compared with other developed capital market like the U.S., and Japan, gross proceed for Taiwan SEOs are much smaller. Empirical Results -Summary Statistics of SEOs-
Empirical Results -Post-SEO Long-run Performance- Taiwan SEO firms don’t exhibit long run under-performance The result is robust to various benchmarks
Single firms (N=136) Multi-Segments firms (N=250) Single-Segment firms vs. Multi-Segments firms MeanMedianMeanMedian Diff. in Mean Diff. in Median Number of segments *** Rev.-based Herfindahl Index *** Offering price (NT$) * Issue Size (million NT$) Total assets (billion NT$) ** Market value (billion NT$) Book-to-market ratio Age *** Hot market ** R&D expense ratio (%) ** Tobin Q ** Subsequent SEO activity Debt ratio Tech industry Empirical Results -Summary Stat. by Issuer- Type- Relative to focused issuers, the diversified issuers have lower offering price and R&D intensity, but have longer listing history and larger assets amounts.
Univariate Comparisons The 3-year period buy-and-hold abnormal returns for single-segment SEO firms show significant underperformance phenomenon. The result is robust to various benchmarks including size-matched, B/M matched, and size-and-B/M matched portfolios. However, the post-issue buy-and-hold abnormal returns for multiple- segment SEO firms show significant outperformance. The result is also robust to various benchmarks. A test that the mean post-issue performance for single- and multiple-segment issuers are equal is rejected at 1% level.
Regression Results 1.The coefficient on HINDEX is negative and highly significant. Since increases in HINDEX represent increases in focus, it appears that equity-issue conducted by more focused firms occur more negative long-run performance. 2.The result supports the internal capital market hypothesis.
Regression Results -Endogeneity Consideration- 1.Campa and Kedia (2002) suggests that firms that choose to diversify are not a random sample of firms. If this case, the estimation results using OLS will be biased. 2.We attempt to use simultaneous equation for model 1 to control for the endogeneity, and use Heckman’s (1979) two stage procedure to control for the self-selection of firms that diversify. 3.The empirical results show that there still exists a significant positive relationship between diversification and post-issue performance.
Summary This paper is the first to examine the effect of corporate diversification on the equity issue performance. We find that equity issues by diversified firm results in better subsequent stock price performance than equity issues by comparable focused firms. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that diversification improve the efficiency of internal capital-allocation process.
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