Nurse Educator
History Graduated last nurse educators in 2012 Focus was deactivated because of low enrollment numbers Old program focused only on preparation for academic setting Needed revisions to meet the needs of current educators Needed to be transitioned to fully online
Needs Assessment Surveyed Stake holder in 2013 Expressed strong interest in additional MSN focus that was not FNP Important Components EBP Patient safety initiatives Assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology Technology in healthcare – simulation Applicable to both academic and clinical settings Leadership/Business principlas
Plan Enroll first Educator Focus cohort summer 2014 ( 12 students) Fully online Core course same as FNP POS = 39 semester hours and 405 clinical hours NRSG 6900 Graduate Internship Provide additional hours for Post-Masters DNP clinical hour requirement.
Work Load Requirements Summer 2014 (No additional faculty lines) NRSG 6115 Role Perspectives of the Masters Prepared Nurse Fall 2014 No additional courses Spring 2015 NRSR 5110 Health Science Informatics: A Survey of Health Science Information
Work Load Requirements Summer 2015 NRSG 6120 Implementing Educational Programs in Nursing Fall 2015* (Request for 2 additional faculty line to begin) NRSG 6121 Integrating Technology in the Healthcare Educator Role NRSG XXX Graduate Nursing Practicum Development Spring 2016 NRSG Graduate Nursing Practicum
Future Plans Develop and plan for reactivation of Adult CNS Enroll 1 st CNS Cohort Summer 2015 (12 students) Develop and plan for BSN to DNP Enroll 1 st BSN to DNP Cohort Fall 2015 (20 students)