{ Maps Uhhhh… she said what??? Uhhhh… she said what???
Cartographer- map maker
A two dimensional graphic representation of selected parts of the earth’s surface. Problem- ALL ARE DISTORTED!!! Globes are the best representation of the earth’s surface Maps
Types of Maps Physical Maps- Types of Landforms and body of water Political Maps -Features on the earths surface that humans created Thematic Maps -Focuses on a specific type of information 1.Qualitative Maps 2.Cartograms 3.Flow-line Maps
Cartograms- Geographers present information about a country based on a set of data The size of country drawn in proportion to the data
Qualitative Use colors, symbols, dots, or lines to help you see patterns related with a specific idea
Flow line Illustrate the movement of people, goods, ideas, animals or even glaciers Shown with arrows---- location, direction, and scope of movement can be seen
{ Combining Maps and Technology GPS and GIS
GPS- Global Positioning System Used to track routes Used to track routes- cars/boats, etc Can track animals (ex. migration routes) Using GPS
Using GIS GIS- Geography Information System Technology that uses digital map information to create a databank Different data layers can be combined to produce specialized maps. Used to analyze to solve problems php