UN Missions and Sexual Exploitation Annalise McGrail & Maria Hamdouchi
UN controversy Suspected violation o 1990s- Bosnia and Kosovo o Prince Zeid Ra’ad report The UN responds o 2003-zero tolerance policy o 2008-resolution A/RES/62/214
Hypothesis Intervention by UN Peacekeeping troops increases the level of internal sex trafficking within a country
Methodology Human Trafficking Indicators ( ) o our dependent variable o controls: prevention, protection, prosecution UN Mission data set o intervention o intervention post-2005 o past intervention
Looking forward Controls o Addition of GDP, HDI, etc o Exploration of significant controls Cross-section analysis Evaluation of robustness
Concluding Remarks Debate: No consensus Past Hypothesis: Intervention increases internal sex trafficking Methodology: x → UN peacekeeping intervention y → internal forced prostitution Evidence: Intervention decreases trafficking Next Steps: Evaluate robustness