Rebranding Liverpool
Why was there a need for Liverpool to rebrand? The main reason for Liverpool to rebrand was because it was made into the European Capital of Culture in 1998 to enable the city to generate more money, and boost the local economy. To re-image the local area and make it a better place to live for the local people. To remove derelict buildings, After 1960’s the had been affected by industrial decline, In the 1980s Liverpool experienced economic and social deprivation along with high levels of crime.
Why a city of culture ? What has Liverpool got to offer? Got a variety of different cultures and traditions situated in the area, There are several major art museums The docklands have a maritime heritage which in the brought in a mass amount of resources such as cotton and sugar. The docklands were regenerated in the 1980’s to bring in tourism, this was their first attempt of re-branding. Music, such as the Beatles in the 1960’s
What benefits will this bring to the local people, environment and the economy? The removal of derelict warehousing will mean new housing will occur this will bring in new jobs and a new image for run down areas, this will allow more tourism to enter the city. Bring in wealthy merchants that will set up new businesses in the area such as: media, publishing and design sectors. Once again this will attract more jobs and re-image the area. With the area being re-branded more companies would want to invest in the area such as: leisure and dining, cinema and café’s. Increased night life: music, entertainment and comedy. More people means more supporters for the local football clubs meaning more money being put into the economy and support for the local area. Derelict warehousing will be replaced with new housing built upon Brownfield sites, meaning no more harm to the land.
Who are the key rebranding players? Local Companies – setting up franchises in the area to increase and consumer culture. Wealthy Merchants – Importing more goods in order to increase local economy. Locals – More business means more jobs and higher employment in the city will create more money which will aid the rebranding. Council – Bring in more money, which would generate more expenditure. Media – Better PR