Silver Birch Class Presentation to Parents
Mrs Jackie Truckle – Year 2 Class teacher Mon-Wed, Computing Subject Leader and MFL Subject Leader Mrs Kate Woodfine – Year 2 Class Teacher Thursday and Friday and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) Mrs Fiona Jacobs – Teaching Assistant In Year 2, Mrs Truckle and Mrs Woodfine take their PPA (planning, preparation and Assessment) time on a Wednesday after school, not during school hours. Staffing
Absence- all absences need a written note or message via office. Children & Parents should wait in the playground at the back of the school until the whistle goes at 9am. (health & safety) An adult is ‘on duty’ in the playground from 8.50am for children who have been ‘dropped off’. The register closes & is sent to the office at 9.15am. Any children who are late/have had an appointment, need to come into school via the office after this time. Emergency contact/ medical/allergy details correct? Please let us know if there are any changes to existing details, or anything new! PE kit should be in school for Wednesday and Thursday- labelled kit needed (plimsolls/trainers, long hair tied back, no earrings) We still have fruit provided for break. Extra fruit or veg can be sent in from home, for the afternoon. Reading books into school every day. Class admin
Children are grouped for Letters and Sounds/Support for Spellings across Year 1 and 2 on three days a week. Spellings and Phonics
Brea k Break Mon. Change reading books & register class Guided reading/ spelling test H/writing grp English PLAYTIME Singing Worship Maths LUNCH TIME Quiet reading & 1-1 reading PLAYTIME Story RE-with Mrs Mac Music-with Mrs Mac Tues. Change reading books & register class Guided reading/ H/writing grp Maths Key stage Worship Letters andSounds/spelling English Quiet reading & 1-1 reading French or PSHEE Computing/ Digital literacy Wed.Change reading books & register class Guided reading/ H/writing grp Maths/English Headtaecher whole school Worship Letters andSounds/spelling PE Quiet reading & 1-1 reading French or PSHEE Topic/ Humanities Thurs. Change reading books & register class Guided reading English Letters andSounds/spelling Chirch/visitor Worship Maths Music Story PE Fri. Change reading books & register class Guided reading English Celebration Worship Maths Quiet reading & handwriting Topic Work (Science) Story
Pupils improve most in Year 2 when both staff and parents regularly monitor progress Daily reading is expected: please comment and sign in the reading record – now that the children are older, if they are able to read by themselves, they are welcome to sign the books themselves. Staff will hear individual readers once a week. Children change their books as needed by themselves Staff will monitor children’s progress through a daily Guided Reading session. Home learning
Spellings are tested every two weeks – your child will have a spelling journal where he/she can practise words with the ideas provided. These will begin after half term. Home Learning - Spellings
Each week we will be sending home a maths task that will relate to our maths teaching and a target from the children’s maths passport. If you wish to reinforce this target further with your child, please do so in their passport book. Mrs Truckle and Mrs Woodfine will aim to look through their books twice a term (every 3 weeks or so) in order to monitor progress with the targets. If you feel your child is confident and has achieved the target at home, please feel free to tick off the target on the sheet at the front of their book. Home learning - Maths
Big Write was introduced across Key Stage 1 and 2 last year: Regular pieces of assessed work at end of each Writing unit. Reading is taught and assessed through Guided Reading sessions. Reading comprehension assessments will take place as when we feel appropriate. The children will take a more formal punctuation test, comprehension test and a grammar test next May. This will inform our overall judgements for Year 3. Assessment
At the end of Year 2 we have formal testing – we will have a meeting about the new Year 2 tests once we have had more information from the government! The children will be used to ‘testing’ as we have different types of assessment that we use throughout the year. Assessment
Progress is tracked closely over the year. By end of Year 2 all children should be ‘expected’ or above. Attainment and progress
Communication to parents is via letters home, reading records and the ‘Silver Birch’ page on the website. Parents’ Maths/ Reading Workshops, Parent meetings and copies of important letters are put on the class page of website-details of these to follow in due course. Communication
We’re happy to chat about any worries/concerns you may have – however, if you think you need longer then do please make an appointment. Open door policy!
Any questions?