SB 536 Study and Report WateReuse Florida November 9, 2015 Janet G. Llewellyn Office of Water Policy Florida Department of Environmental Protection
SB 536 (2014) Surface Water StorageReclaimed Water Conduct a comprehensive study, in coordination with stakeholders, on the expansion of the beneficial use of reclaimed water, stormwater, & excess surface water. 2
3 Percentage of Reused Wastewater In Florida in 2013 Reclaimed Water Use – Where are we now? Reclaimed Water Utilization by Use TypePercentage of Reused Wastewater in Florida in 2013
Reuse by WMD 4 Quantity of Reclaimed Water (MGD) used within each Water Management District in 2013
Types of Reuse Landscape Irrigation/Public-Access Reuse Agricultural Irrigation Industrial Reuse Aquifer Recharge Environmental Enhancement and Restoration Indirect Potable Reuse Direct Potable Reuse Feasibility and benefit of each type of reuse varies by region/utility 5
Highlights of Draft Reuse Recommendations FUNDING: Continued alternative water supply funding partnerships are critical. 11
Highlights of Draft Reuse Recommendations REGULATORY : Revisions to UIC rules to facilitate ASR and Aquifer Recharge with reclaimed water Review Indirect Potable Reuse rules for needed clarification Establish clear rules and procedures for Direct Potable Reuse Review treatment requirements for supplementing reclaimed water with stormwater or surface water Review restriction on direct use of reclaimed water on edible crops 12
Highlights of Draft Reuse Recommendations AGENCY ACTIONS: DACS should develop fertilizer offset BMPs for irrigation with reclaimed water DEP should include nutrient content of reclaimed water in Annual Reuse Inventory Work with local governments with more stringent rules affecting the use of reclaimed water to achieve exceptions (where appropriate) or consistency Coordination among wastewater, consumptive use, ERP permitting staff and water supply planning staff 13
Highlights of Draft Recommendations Water Supplier Actions: Consider establishment of Mandatory Reuse Zones Tiered reclaimed water rates, where appropriate Fully explore industrial, commercial and institutional sector customers for reclaimed water Consider long term agreements with reclaimed water customers 14
Highlights of Draft Reuse Recommendations EDUCATION/OUTREACH: Conduct statewide education/outreach efforts for reclaimed water, particularly indirect and direct potable reuse 15
Contact Janet G. Llewellyn Policy Administrator Office of Water Policy 850/