World Exploration
Causes God, Glory & Gold Fascination with East: Marco Polo bought silk, porcelain, spice, tea in Asia Missions spread Christianity Wealth gave power to Monarchs, nation Sale of goods, precious metals = $ Fascination with East: Marco Polo bought silk, porcelain, spice, tea in Asia Missions spread Christianity Wealth gave power to Monarchs, nation Sale of goods, precious metals = $
New Technology Caravels-new ships had Lateen (triangular) sails, allowed them to sail against wind. Other improvements, more seaworthy Cartography-better map making. Used Ptolemy’s system of longitude/latitude Sextant-device measured distance of stars over horizon to determine location Caravels-new ships had Lateen (triangular) sails, allowed them to sail against wind. Other improvements, more seaworthy Cartography-better map making. Used Ptolemy’s system of longitude/latitude Sextant-device measured distance of stars over horizon to determine location
Portugal Leads the Way Prince Henry (the Navigator)-son of king of Portugal established schools for explorers and sponsored voyages Bartholomew Dias-first to reach south tip of Africa, Cape of Good Hope 1487 Vasco da Gama-open trade in E. Africa, made Portugal rich, da Gama national hero. Reached Calicut (SW India) Pedro Cabral-claimed Brazil for Portugal in Won trade war in mideast. Prince Henry (the Navigator)-son of king of Portugal established schools for explorers and sponsored voyages Bartholomew Dias-first to reach south tip of Africa, Cape of Good Hope 1487 Vasco da Gama-open trade in E. Africa, made Portugal rich, da Gama national hero. Reached Calicut (SW India) Pedro Cabral-claimed Brazil for Portugal in Won trade war in mideast.
Spain seeks Gold & Riches Christopher Columbus 1492 Italian hired by Spain. He boldly goes west, hits Bahamas, thinks he’s in Asia. Amerigo Vespucci realizes it’s a new world (America) Hernan Cortez (Conquistador) conquers Aztecs with help of small pox 1519 Francisco Pizarro conquers Incas 1530 Christopher Columbus 1492 Italian hired by Spain. He boldly goes west, hits Bahamas, thinks he’s in Asia. Amerigo Vespucci realizes it’s a new world (America) Hernan Cortez (Conquistador) conquers Aztecs with help of small pox 1519 Francisco Pizarro conquers Incas 1530
Dispute between Spain & Portugal Two countries fought over claimed terr. Pope helped by drawing Line of Demarcation down Atlantic Ocean. Portugal asked to move line west to include Brazil. Spain agreed and both signed the Treaty of Tordesillas Two countries fought over claimed terr. Pope helped by drawing Line of Demarcation down Atlantic Ocean. Portugal asked to move line west to include Brazil. Spain agreed and both signed the Treaty of Tordesillas
Spanish in New World Few women came to Americas. Spanish men married natives. Offspring=Mestizo Encomienda - Spaniards’ system of forced labor on natives, later Africans Few women came to Americas. Spanish men married natives. Offspring=Mestizo Encomienda - Spaniards’ system of forced labor on natives, later Africans
Magellan Circumnavigates 5 ships, 250 men & Ferdinand Magellan seek water route to Balboa’s discovery of the Pacific Oc. across Panama He goes around Cape Horn (So. Tip of South Amer.) to Guam, Philippines. He gets killed in war in Phillipines. 18 men, 1 ship make it to Spain 5 ships, 250 men & Ferdinand Magellan seek water route to Balboa’s discovery of the Pacific Oc. across Panama He goes around Cape Horn (So. Tip of South Amer.) to Guam, Philippines. He gets killed in war in Phillipines. 18 men, 1 ship make it to Spain. 1522
French, Dutch & English Explore Jacque Cartier discovers St. Lawrence R. Samuel de Champlain sails up St. Lawr. He claimed Quebec (New France) 1608 Marquette & Joliet explore Great Lakes By 1600 Dutch controlled previous Port- uguese ports in Dutch East Indies 1609 Henry Hudson (English) sails west for Dutch. Claims Manhattan as New Neth. 1634 Dutch claim islands in Caribbean, open the Dutch West Indies. Jacque Cartier discovers St. Lawrence R. Samuel de Champlain sails up St. Lawr. He claimed Quebec (New France) 1608 Marquette & Joliet explore Great Lakes By 1600 Dutch controlled previous Port- uguese ports in Dutch East Indies 1609 Henry Hudson (English) sails west for Dutch. Claims Manhattan as New Neth. 1634 Dutch claim islands in Caribbean, open the Dutch West Indies.
English Settle North America 1607 Jamestown. Almost fails but grows 1620 Pilgrims settle at Plymouth 1628 Puritans settle at Mass. Bay 1664 With permission of king, the Duke of York has English oust Dutch from New Neth. Becomes New York 1607 Jamestown. Almost fails but grows 1620 Pilgrims settle at Plymouth 1628 Puritans settle at Mass. Bay 1664 With permission of king, the Duke of York has English oust Dutch from New Neth. Becomes New York
Conflicts French and Indian War, , the British fight French for control in Amer. Part of the World Wide 7 Years War. Britain wins most of French territory Relations with Native Americans started OK, but later worsened. Many conflicts. Europe brings many diseases and Africans for slaves. French and Indian War, , the British fight French for control in Amer. Part of the World Wide 7 Years War. Britain wins most of French territory Relations with Native Americans started OK, but later worsened. Many conflicts. Europe brings many diseases and Africans for slaves.
The Atlantic Slave Trade Why Africans? Huge need for labor, Native Americans were dying of European diseases. Africans had built immunity to diseases Africans had experience in farming Africans were strangers to America, difficult to escape, easily recognized. ,000 Africans to Americas. Huge need for labor, Native Americans were dying of European diseases. Africans had built immunity to diseases Africans had experience in farming Africans were strangers to America, difficult to escape, easily recognized. ,000 Africans to Americas.
Spread of Slavery Spain uses slaves to mine copper 1511 Portugal use slaves on sugar plantations Dutch, French, English w/ coffee, sugar, tobacco in Caribbean islands. North America had 2 million by 1830 Many African rulers cooperation with European slave traders. Spain uses slaves to mine copper 1511 Portugal use slaves on sugar plantations Dutch, French, English w/ coffee, sugar, tobacco in Caribbean islands. North America had 2 million by 1830 Many African rulers cooperation with European slave traders.
Triangular Trade
The Middle Passage The voyage from Africa to the Americas was extremely brutal for the slave. They were chained under deck packed very tightly (see diagram in reading). Given very little food, difficult to breathe. Objectors would be whipped on deck in front of others. Auctioned in Americas to white owners The voyage from Africa to the Americas was extremely brutal for the slave. They were chained under deck packed very tightly (see diagram in reading). Given very little food, difficult to breathe. Objectors would be whipped on deck in front of others. Auctioned in Americas to white owners