Agenda Get your drama llamas and a pencil
Characteristics of a GREAT Stage Presence
1. Rate Speed at which you talk Fast, slow Almost 90% of beginning speakers are nervous and speak too fast
2. Projection The actor’s ability to carry their voice to the back of the audience to clearly be heard Most beginning performers speak too softly on stage, no matter how noisy they are off-stage Nervousness, inexperience, & poor breathing contribute
3. Clarity How your audience hears and interprets what you are saying sentence phrasing pronunciation
4. Pitch Use a full range of high and low in speaking
5. Expression The act of making your thoughts and feelings known Don’t be subtle Be big !
6. Stance How you stand, balance Evenly distributed weight Don’t shift or rock
7. Eye Contact Connect to your audience, acknowledge them
8. Poise Build confidence! Be prepared! Know you have the ability!
Counting: Soft to loud Loud to soft Drill sergeant Child-like Happily Sadly Angry Bored Sulkily Opera singer
Tongue Twisters Selfish shellfish Rubber baby bugger bumpers Red leather, yellow leather Knapsack straps Specific Pacific Good blood, bad blood Toy boat Fruit float
Color Your Words Cold Sneaky Freezing Sweltering Windy Parched Angry Happy Sad Nervous Relaxed Crying
Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All of the horses, and all of the men, Couldn’t put Humpty together again. At a suspenseful crime scene As chipmunks As evil Disney villains In the middle of an earthquake Like an advertisement Like a rock song
Number Greeting Old enemies Long, lost friends Snobs Business executives at a meeting Old people Young children Suspicious spies Robots
Poetry Slam Poetry Slam: With a partner, the two of you will collaborate to 1) memorize a poem 2) choreograph movements within your poem 3) add large expressions and gestures to convey your characters 4) explore various vocal sounds to add life to your characters 5) perform, as a duo, your memorized poem to an audience 6) listen to constructive critiques of your rehearsal time/final performance YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE THE EIGHT VOCABULARY WORDS AND INTERGRATE THEM INTO YOUR PERFORMANCE…
Poetry Slam Assignments Pairs are responsible for dividing the line delivery. You must have equal lines. Lines can be spoken in unison and apart. Must be memorized. Highlight your lines. Pairs need to choreograph movements (work in specific movements and actions that might align with your poem). You must write it down! Pairs will need to develop specific voices. Be over the top! Explore your different ranges. Lose your own. Props and costume pieces are encouraged. Use your time wisely at home and during rehearsal hours. Remember that you are not just responsible for yourself; you have a partner.