Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Ezekiel to take up 3 Dirges: 1.19:1-14 – Princes of Israel 2.about Tyre: city, prince, king 3.32:2-16 – Pharaoh of Egypt 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Ezekiel to take up 3 Dirges: 1.19:1-14 – Princes of Israel 2.about Tyre: city, prince, king 3.32:2-16 – Pharaoh of Egypt 1

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Ezekiel’s middle Dirge: 1.about Tyre: a)27:2-32 – city of Tyre b)28:1-10 – prince of Tyre c)28:11-19 – king of Tyre 2

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Eze.28:11-19 Concerns “king of Tyre” After a word to “prince of Tyre” Are they the same person? 3

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? His career depicted in two parts: —vv.12 – 15a, good spoken —vv.15b – 19, evil spoken 4

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Unique things said:  “Anointed Cherub”  What is a cherub?  What was his anointing?  further – “Anointed Cherub who covers”? 5

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Cherubs cover “mercy seat” in tent of meeting and Solomon’s Temple —associated with religious service 6

Who Is the Anointed Cherub?. What do Cherubs cover in heavenly temple? —The earthly was patterned after the heavenly – Heb.8:4-5 7

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? The anointed cherub, himself covered with 9 precious stones & gold – Eze.28:13 Aaron’s breastplate – same 9 stones plus 3 more & gold - 8

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Yahweh’s appointment – “I set you so” – 28:14 On the holy mountain of Elohim – 28:14, then v.16 He profaned his sanctuaries (“holies”) – 28:18 9

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? In Eden garden of Elohim Phrase “in Eden” : —“and Yahweh Elohim planted a garden in Eden…” – Gen.2:8 —“You came to be in Eden garden of Elohim.” – Eze.28:13 10

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? What sort of garden would grow in Tyre? An island-city founded on a rock Water & firewood taken from mainland – cemeteries also on mainland 11

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? “in the day of your creation” Does not rule out procreation —Psa.89:48; 102:18 for example But phrase “day of creation” occurs only 4 places – Eze.28:13, 15; Gen.5:1, 2 12

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? the midst of stones of fire – 28:14, 16 1 st he walked about in… then he was vanished (banished) from… 13

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Turning point: “You were blameless in your ways from the day of your creation, until injustice was found in you.” – Eze.28:15 14

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Traffic: Prince of Tyre: “by trafficking increased wealth” King of Tyre: “by trafficking filled with violence” 15

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Pride: Prince of Tyre: “heart lifted up because of your riches” King of Tyre: “heart lifted up because of your beauty” 16

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Prince of Tyre’s end: “pit”, “death” (burial) King of Tyre’s end: “fire”, “ashes” (cremation) 17

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? If this “king of Tyre” was a man, we have no other scriptures to explain his unique career. Why does this insertion pop up here? 18

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Could the King be the spiritual father of the Prince? 19

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Parallels with Isa.14:4-27 a proverb upon the king of Babel Cedars of Lebanon rejoiced over his downfall 20

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Isa.13 context: Day of the Lord Babel overthrown like Sodom & Gomorrah 21

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Isa. 14 (ctd): “to shatter the Assyrian in My land” (v.25) cp. parable on Pharaoh – like “Assyria, a cedar in Lebanon” – Eze.31:2-3 22

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Aspirations of divinity: prince of Tyre – “god am I; I sit in the seat of Elohim” (Eze.28:2) king of Babel – “I will make myself like unto Eloah” (Isa.14:14) 23

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Aspirations of exalted throne: king of Tyre – “you came upon the holy mount of Elohim” (Eze.28:14) king of Babel – “I will sit in the mount of meeting” (Isa.14:13) 24

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Associations of music: king of Tyre – “the work of your timbrels” (Eze.28:13) king of Babel – “music of your harps” (Isa.14:11) 25

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? prince of Tyre’s end: “pit”, “die the deaths”, “die death of uncircumcised” king of Babel’s end: “Sheol”, “pit”, “trampled corpse”, “maggots”, “worms” 26

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Why has Isaiah 14 been interpreted of Satan? likely the translation “Lucifer” has attained the authority of tradition 27

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Could “how you have fallen from the heavens!” have both a literal and a metaphoric aspect? literal for Satan metaphorical for his son 28

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Why the dual citizenship – Tyre and Babel? Could a “prince” from Lebanon eventually rule Chaldea as “king”? What about the death and apparent resurrection of the Beast? 29

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Similar kingdoms – Tyre & Babel: Immense riches Then utter destruction Compare laments 30

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? Compare what is said of Babel and its king. Structure of Eze.28:

Who Is the Anointed Cherub? 32