SKIROC ADC measurements and cyclic ADC LPC Clermont-Ferrand Laurent ROYER, Samuel MANEN Calice/Eudet electronic meeting Orsay June 2008
02/06/2008 Reminder: one channel of SKIROC 2 ADC LPC ADC LAL Mux Two ramp ADC: one from LAL, one from LPC Resolution of 12 bits, Mux. to select data output with slow control Power pulsing implemented on ADC ADC LAL
02/06/2008 Setup of test LPC 3 ADC LPC ADC LAL Mux Main difference with LAL setup: external reference ADC to acquire the analog probe signal SKIROC test board Reference ADC board
02/06/2008 Setup of test LPC 4 ADC LPC ADC LAL Mux Use of an external ADC to acquire the input of Skiroc ADC through the analog probe Automatic test with a single PC to control via 3 USB ports: SKIROC the pulse generator The reference ADC With a linear probe buffer & ADC AD7684 Function transfer of ADC under test: F ADC = Dski(Vin)/Dref (Vin)
02/06/2008 Simulated linearity of the probe buffer Non-Linearity error within 500µV up to 1.4V In simulation, no significant non-linearity introduced by the probe buffer 5
02/06/2008 Pedestal measurements 6 ADC LPC ADC LAL Mux SKIROC test board ADC LAL ADC LPC without ch# 3,5,33,34 ADC LAL 4 no-functional channels 9 mV 23 mV Pedestal dispersion mainly due to comparator offsets Latest version comparator LPC has offset dispersion lower than 5mV (standard deviation) ½ full dynamic range (≈ 2000 ADC counts) Offset of ≈ 1000 ADC counts
02/06/2008 Noise measurements 7 ADC LAL ADC LPC No input signal 0.7V input pulse voltage 150 ADC counts 30 ADC counts 13 ADC counts 200 measurements
02/06/2008 Linearity measurements 8 ADC LAL Channel 1 Channel 18 Channel 36 Red: ADC LAL Blue: ADC LPC 200 steps from 0 to 1.1V, mean value of 10 meas./step Non-Linearity within 5LSB up to ≈0.8V Nearly similar curves for the 2 ADCs Linearity performance limited by the setup of the test ?? 8
02/06/2008 A 12-bit cyclic ADC (1) A 12-bit cyclic ADC sent to fabrication the 21th of March Delivery expected this week ADC designed with the validated building blocks (Amplifier & Comparator) of our 10-bit pipeline ADC (published in IEEE NS in June 08) 9 Advantages of the cyclic architecture: Small area: (700x250) µm 2 One ADC/channel for the final 64ch. chip Intrinsic serial output data Good tradeoff between speed, resolution & consumption
02/06/2008 A 12-bit cyclic ADC (2) Performance of the designed cyclic ADC: Optimized architecture w/ 1 ampli. & 4 comp. Time of conversion: 7µs w/ 1MHz clock freq. Consumption: 4 mW Integrated cons. with power pulsing: 0.12 µW INL within 1.5LSB, and DNL within 1.0 LSB 10 2 conversion phases with a single ampli.
02/06/2008 Conclusion SKIROC measurements: Test bench in Clermont is now operational (thanks to Mowafak, Francois, LAL) Preliminary LPC show: Lower pedestal dispersion for ADC LAL but offset LAL ADC noisier than LPC one Similar linearity for both ADC with resolution limited to ≈ 9 bits Discussion with LAL required : To compare LAL/LPC results To understand results (pedestal offset, noise vs amplitude, non-linearity…) To program complementary meas. Power pulsing Improved linearity meas. … Cyclic ADC: Our best candidate for the final 64-channels VFE chip Performance of the 1 st prototype evaluated in June/July 11
02/06/2008 SPARE
02/06/2008 Linearity measurements 13 ADC LAL ADC LPC
02/06/2008 Reminder: one channel of SKIROC 14 ADC LAL ADC LPC