IRELAND By, Brian Payne Period 9 Mrs. Thompson
What is Ireland? Leprechauns, fairies and the little people, empty countryside and traffic free lanes where you are more likely to encounter a herd of cows rather than a queue of cars. This is Ireland!
Map O’ Ireland
What to wear!? If you are a man… suits sport coats and ties If you are a woman… wear suits dresses and blazers
Gifts that are always welcomed! If you are invited to a home bring… flowers Chocolates a craft from your home region wine
What Topics to Touch On? Good Topics to Argue About Religion Politics Topics to NEVER Bring up Catholic Church English Immigrants
Environment Ireland has 20,230 sq miles of land and it has 1,738 miles of coastline. It has a lot of natural resources like Natural gas, peat, copper, lead, etc. Ireland still has a relatively clean and healthy environment.
Politics of Ireland The Republic of Ireland is a parliamentary representative democratic republic. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael Run the Government.
Law System Like many common law system, the Irish courts are bound by the doctrine of stare decisis to apply precedents set by the higher courts. This extends to the decisions of higher courts made before independence such as decisions made by the House of Lords and the Irish Court of Appeals.
Import Requirements There really aren’t any import requirements fore Ireland There’s one for cattle stating Cattle of Great Britain (GB) origin consigned for breeding and production can only be imported in to Northern Ireland if they are accompanied by a specific import license