+ The human body is central to how we understand facets of identity such as gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. People alter their bodies, hair, and clothing to align with or rebel against social conventions and to express messages to others around them. Many artists explore gender through representations of the body and by using their own bodies in their creative process. The ways we behave and express ourselves are shaped by the cultures in which we participate. Since the mid twentieth century, philosophers, social scientists, and historians have theorized that gender—the roles, characteristics, and activities that distinguish men from women—are not innate but socially constructed. Behaviours thought to be feminine or masculine differ from one culture to another and across time periods (MoMA, n.d.)
+ The figure has been used in a variety of ways: Sometimes it is part of a narrative, or a symbol; sometimes it is used to celebrate the pinnacle of God’s creation, or as a record of human achievement or folly. Artists have depicted the human body as an exploration of beauty or sometimes purely as a vehicle of artistic expression. All of the traditions of the past in art have presented us with the human body in every conceivable pose and situation sanctioned by history, religion, or mythology.
+ The human body plays an important role in the art of certain cultures: Its depiction is forbidden in others and, in some cultures, it is the body itself that becomes art. The body can be the subject of art or the surface on which art is created The body can be seen as graceful, awkward, classical, emaciated, obese, beautiful, ugly, at rest, dynamic, idealised, symbolic, emotional or spiritual. The body can be looked at and its relationship to its environment. Is it comfortable in, or alien to, its environment? Enhancing or altering the human form by means of what we add to it, could be an option: Fashion and jewellery are also very important aspects of The Body in Art and Culture. Fashion varies from culture to culture. In conclusion, the body is celebrated or emphasised but in others, it is hidden.
+ TASK Click on ‘Compare’ on the top left corner of the video page These questions should come up. Select a question page to answer:
+ TASK Under each question a page will show: Read the text under the green heading on the left side and answer questions under the orange title on the right side, ‘Questions to Consider’:
+ WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH THIS CONCEPT? You may identify with your ethnicity and culture of origin, or you could explore other cultures, social groups or subcultures. You could examine the human body and how cultural identity is often easily established by physical traits, clothing, adornment or activities. The use of the figure, male and female, in art as its precedent in prehistoric cave paintings and sculpture. …These are basic examples and you should be able to think of something close to you are something you are interested in exploring. Make sure the concept/topic you choose can sustain your interest and passion until the end of the year!