Underage Drinking & Teen Health By: Divjot Arora, Vanessa Raab, Nathan Edwards, Austin Thomas
Alcohol is a depressant, it slows the function of the central nervous system The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord Alcohol blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain Alters a person’s perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing The effect is higher on teens as their brain is still developing Teen Health on Alcohol
People who are intoxicated may stagger, lose their coordination, and slur their speech Reaction times are slowed dramatically People who are intoxicated may act totally out of character Alcohol poisoning can also occur when large amounts of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time Violent vomiting – usually first symptom Extreme sleepiness unconsciousness Teen Health on Alcohol
Difficulty breathing Dangerously low blood sugar Seizures Even death may result More Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning
There is a high possibility of becoming addicted Punishment is severe More likely to get into fights & commit crimes than those who don’t Problems with school Drinking can damage a student’s ability to study well and get decent grades Affects sports performance Why Shouldn’t Teens Drink?
Cannot legally drink or purchase alcoholic beverages in Pennsylvania until you are 21 Can be arrested and convicted of underage drinking if you are caught buying, drinking, possessing, or transporting alcohol $300 fine Jailed up to 90 days Criminal record Driver’s license taken away for 90 days Underage Drinking
If you are caught driving under the influence, it is a misdemeanor of the second degree Maximum penalty of up to $5,000 Up to two years in jail If you are tried and convicted… You must pay a minimum of $300 Spend at least 48 hours in jail Pay other legal fees Lose your license for at least three months, possibly up to a year Underage Drinking & Driving Under the Influence (D.U.I)
Under Pennsylvania’s Zero Tolerance Law, persons under 21 can be arrested and charged with D.U.I even if their blood alcohol is 0.20 Underage Drinking & D.U.I