A large, continuous body of land; The earth Contains seven of these.
A body of land completely surrounded by water Hawaii United Kingdom, Europe
A group or string of islands Political and physical map of Japan Florida Keys
A low, ring- shaped island; A lagoon is Found inside it.
Land surrounded By water on 3 sides, such as Florida, Italy, or Arabia Florida from space Arabia from space Italy, political map
Pointed land that Extends into a sea, ocean, Lake or river
A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses
Land that is 1000 or more feet above the Surrounding area
Relatively flat land with small changes In elevation
A large, relatively flat area that stands above surrounding land
High, flat tableland with steep sides, usually In the western U. S.
A small mesa (smallest of the tabletop landforms)
Highest ridge of a continent; Rivers flow toward Opposite sides of A continent from it.
Low lands located between mountains
A large, flat marshy land near an ocean or body of salt water
A well-watered, fertile area in a desert
A very dry area receiving less than 10 inches of rain a year
A valley with very steep sides
An ever-widening Valley… caused by continental Plates drifting apart
Land on either side of a river; likely to flood after heavy rains
A large landmass that is part of a continent… …often blocked by mountains
A steep face of rock and soil