National Food Security Mission (NFSM) MEGHALAYA
COMMITTEE AT STATE LEVEL State Food Security Mission executive Committee (SFSMEC) was constituted on the 3 rd May, 2013 with the following member:- Chief Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya - Chairman. Development Commissioner to the Government of Meghalaya - Member Principal Secretary Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture - Member Principal Commissioner & Secretary, Water Resources - Member Dean, College of Post graduate Studies, CAU, Umiam - Member Director, ICAR (NER) Umiam - Member Representative of Lead Bank - Member Function of the SFSMEC as per the guideline of the Government of India is to oversee the activities of the Mission in the State.
Approved Action Plan : Sl. No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Tentative Targets Worked out by GOI Targets Proposed by State Final Targets approved by GOI PhyFinPhyFinPhyFin 1. Cluster Demonstration by State Department of Agriculture with the technical backstopping of ICAR/SAUs/IRRI/ a). Direct seeded Rice/Transplanting/SRI for HYV/Hybrid ` 0.075/ha ha b). Cluster demonstration on Hybrid Rice (one cluster of 100ha) target 0.5% of Area District. ` 0.075/ ha ha Seed Distribution (a)Hybrid Rice Seed ` 0.02/ qtl Qtls (b) HYVs Seed ` 0.005/ qtl Qtls Plant and Soil Protection Management a) Liming in Acidic Soils ` 0.005/ ha ha b) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio- agents ` 0.005/ ha ha Resource conservation technique/tools a). Conoweeders & other farm implements ` 3000/machine Nos b). Knapsack sprayers ` 3000/machine Nos Incentive for pump sets ` 10000/machine Nos Cropping System based training four sessions is one before Kharif, one each during Kharif and Rabi crops and after Rabi harvest ` 0.035/session ` 0.14/training Nos Miscellaneous Expenses a). Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at District level ` 6·36/District No. of district b) Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at State level ` /State No. of state Local Initiatives (focus should be water harvesting structures for promotion of SRI and providing irrigation) a). Check dam/Canal/water harvesting structure. Nos TOTAL Financial (1 to 8) ( Rs in Lakhs )
District-wise Sanctions Sl NoName of District Amount ( ` ) 1East Khasi Hills West Khasi Hills South West Khasi Hills Ri-Bhoi West Jaintia Hills East Jaintia Hills East Garo Hills North Garo Hills West Garo Hills South West Garo Hills South Garo Hills Project Management Team at State Level Total
Fund Released during = ` District wise Distribution of Fund as per amount released Sl NoName of District Amount ( ` ) 1East Khasi Hills West Khasi Hills South West Khasi Hills Ri-Bhoi West Jaintia Hills East Jaintia Hills East Garo Hills North Garo Hills West Garo Hills South West Garo Hills South Garo Hills Project Management Team at State Level9.750 Total
Progress of Action Plan for Implementation of NFSM Sl. No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance UnitApproved Target for the year Achievement based on released of fund % Achievement based on released of fund PhyFinPhyFinPhyFin 1. Cluster Demonstration by State Department of Agriculture with the technical backstopping of ICAR/SAUs/IRRI/ a). Direct seeded Rice/Transplanting/SRI for HYV/Hybrid ` 0.075/ha ha % b). Cluster demonstration on Hybrid Rice (one cluster of 100ha) target 0.5% of Area District. ` 0.075/ ha ha Seed Distribution a)Hybrid Rice Seed ` 0.02/ qtl Qtls b)HYVs Seed ` 0.005/ qtl Qtls Plant and Soil Protection Management a) Liming in Acidic Soils ` 0.005/ ha ha b) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio- agents ` 0.005/ ha ha Resource conservation technique/tools a). Conoweeders & other farm implements ` 3000/ machine Nos % b). Knapsack sprayers ` 3000 / machine Nos Incentive for pump sets ` 10000/ machine Nos % 6. Cropping System based training four sessions is one before Kharif, one each during Kharif and Rabi crops and after Rabi harvest ` 0.035/ session ` 0.14/ training Nos % 7. Miscellaneous Expenses a). Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at District level ` 6·36/ District No. of district nos of consultants & 13 nos Tech Asst % b) Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at State level ` / State No. of state no incl misc expense % 8. Local Initiatives (focus should be water harvesting structures for promotion of SRI and providing irrigation) a). Check dam/Canal/water harvesting structure. Nos % TOTAL Financial (1 to 8) (Rs in Lakhs)
Intervention-wise physical target and achievements under NFSM Sl. No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit TargetAchievement TotalSCSTGeneralwomenTotalSCSTGeneralwomen 1.Cluster Demonstration by State Department of Agriculture with the technical backstopping of ICAR/SAUs/IRRI/ a). Direct seeded Rice/Transplanting/SRI for HYV/Hybrid ` 0.075/ha ha b). Cluster demonstration on Hybrid Rice (one cluster of 100ha) target 0.5% of Area District. ` 0.075/ ha ha Seed Distribution a)Hybrid Rice Seed ` 0.02/ qtl Qtls b)HYVs Seed ` 0.005/ qtl Qtls Plant and Soil Protection Management a) Liming in Acidic Soils ` 0.005/ ha ha b) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio- agents ` 0.005/ ha ha Resource conservation technique/tools a). Conoweeders & other farm implements ` 3000/machine Nos b). Knapsack sprayers ` 3000/machine Nos Incentive for pump sets ` 10000/machine Nos Cropping System based training four sessions is one before Kharif, one each during Kharif and Rabi crops and after Rabi harvest ` 0.035/session ` 0.14/training Nos Miscellaneous Expenses a). Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at District level ` 6·36/District Nos b) Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at State level ` /State Nos Local Initiatives (focus should be water harvesting structures for promotion of SRI and providing irrigation) a). Check dam/Canal/water harvesting structure. Nos
Production and Productivity Sl No.Name of the DistrictsVarietyMethod of plantingSali Paddy 2013 Area (in Ha) Prod (In MT) Yield (in Kg/Ha) Ri-Bhoi LocalTraditional Transplanting East Khasi Hills LocalTraditional Transplanting West Khasi Hills Local (Bhalum 1,2) Traditional Transplanting Jaintia Hills LocalTraditional Transplanting East Garo Hills LocalTraditional Transplanting West Garo Hills LocalTraditional Transplanting South Garo Hills LocalTraditional Transplanting Total LocalTraditional Transplanting The District Wise Area, Production and Yield of Sali Paddy during 2013 (Non-NFSM)
Yield Report of Sali Paddy 2013 (NFSM) Sl. No. Name/Place of Cluster Dem VarietyMethod of planting Yield per ha (MT) 1.East Khasi HillsArize-6444SRI 6.32 SPH-115SRI 4.64 LocalTraditional Ri-Bhoi Arize-6444 Line Transplanting 4.80 Ranjeet SRI 5.56 Ranjeet Line transplanting Jaintia HillsArize-6444Line transplanting 6.70 SPH-115SRI 7.19 IR-36Traditional 3.52 Pant-12Traditional 4.30 Arize-6444SRI West Khasi HillsMEGH-IITransplanted 5.67 Contd….
Yield Report of Sali Paddy 2013 (NFSM) Sl. No. Name/Place of Cluster Dem VarietyMethod of planting Yield per ha (MT) 5.South Garo HillsLoknath-505Line Transplanting West Garo HillsMTU-7029 Irrigated late transplanted 5.40 Irrigated Traditional 6.24 Rainfed line 6.14 Irrigated natural source 6.60 MTU-1010 Irrigated Line 6.64 Rainfed 5.89 Arize-6444 SRI 7.08 Irrigated 6.92 Line Transplanted 6.23 Rainfed Organic 6.68 Local Traditional East Garo HillsLoknath-505 Line transplanting 5.50 Loknath-505 SRI 6.50 Ranjeet Line Transplanting 4.00
Impact of the Scheme in the State Introduction of Quality seeds has increased the production and productivity of Rice through area expansion in the identified area of the District. As a result there is high demand of seeds by the farmers after observing the performance of these varieties. Introduction of new technology such as SRI etc has contributed to the doubling/trippling of yield of Paddy in the Farmers field which has brought much satisfaction to paddy grower and increase the potential of enhancing production through increase in area of cultivation under paddy. Construction of Check dam and water harvesting structures has enable farmers to improve crop through assured availability of moisture. Contd….
Intervention through supply of pumpsets and other water harvesting structures has opened the way for farmers to grow more crops. this has made possible for farmers in the lower altitude regions to go for Boro paddy cultivation raising the cropping intensity to 200% and increase in production and productivity. Intervention for lime application in iron toxicity areas has improved the paddy crop health raising the productivity by % and enabled farmers to increase their production in the areas where Local Improved Variety of paddy such as MEGH-II grown in the high altitude region. Various interventions proposed are being integrated which benefitted the farmers and increased their production.
Issues to be discussed Due to late receipt of fund, procurement of inputs cannot be made in time as it is time bound. The state request the GOI to release 50% of the approved Fund as 1 st installment. Non approval of miscellaneous expenses to the newly created districts of the state posed a problem for proper implementation of other interventions allotted to them. The state seek GOI approval to divert the fund allocated for miscellaneous expenses for state level to the newly created districts during this year for smooth implementation of the scheme as stated above. Area expansion on Boro paddy hindered due to grazing animals/ stray cattle let loose during the winter months.
Future Strategy To strengthen the construction of Water harvesting structures and Shallow tubes wells so that more area can be covered for cultivation of Boro paddy. Exposure trip to other States covered under NFSM for the Beneficiaries of the Scheme. Temporary fencing may be included in the intervention Resource Conservation Technique.
Success story Blingstar Jyrwa a farmer of Mawkawah Village, West Khasi Hills District was having 2 acre of land for paddy cultivation. He was cultivating local variety of paddy where the production of paddy was very low ( MT/ha) but with the introduction of MEGH-II Improved variety (released by ICAR) by the NFSM in the year and the application of 3 MT/ha there was increased in production i.e around 5-6 MT/ha. He is still continuing the cultivation of paddy in Mawkawah besides vegetable cultivation. MEGH-II
Success story Derick Suchiang, a farmer of Lyngkien Village of District Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, owns 3 acres of land where he grows local varieties of paddy like Kba Iong and Tharon and the yield was only 2-2.5MT/ha but with the introduction of hybrid seed HY-6444 by NFSM, adoption of SRI Method of cultivation and liming there was an increased in production i.e 8- 9MT/ha. HY-6444
Success story The construction of water harvesting structure (Sluice Gate) was undertaken under NFSM at Khahmohi, Shella of East Khasi Hills District at the paddy field of Probit Swett. Before construction, only the cultivation of Sali Paddy was possible and the yield from that paddy field was sufficient to feed his family for six months had he not sold the paddy. With the cultivation of Boro paddy which has become possible by the construction of sluice gate to supply water to the paddy field, the yield is expected to double from the same area which will feed his family for a period of 12 (twelve ) months.
Training programme in collaboration with ICAR on NFSM
Temporary fencing of Boro Paddy cultivation under NFSM for protection against stray cattle
Monitoring visit of Dr. J. S. Sandhu,Agril Production Commissioner Govt. of India at Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya on the 1 st September, 2013 under National Food Security Mission (Cluster Demonstration Programme).
Familiarization on NFSM during the Republic Day Celebration through Tableau.