But first, who is your new dean and why is she here? Dean Ann E. Cudd Day 31 CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
WHAT IS A DEPARTMENT CHAIR? Leader Manager Decision-maker and authority Bridge and liaison Communicator Educator/mentor/role model Colleague Confidante CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Department Chair as Middle Manager Relationships with colleagues Relationships with administrators Opportunity to make a difference Challenge of negotiating rules and constraints CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Relationships As a manager, relationships matter more than ever to your effectiveness Job satisfaction and department climate Negotiations with faculty, staff, deans Relationships change with changes in status Formal relationships require formalities that can be learned You are already pretty good at this! CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Seize the Opportunity to make a Difference Move your department forward on its strategic plan Support and enhance the excellence and diversity of the faculty Enhance the quality and standing of your academic programs Increase the quality and prominence of your research programs Transform the working climate of your department Keep your personal goals in mind and use this as an opportunity for growth: learn, develop, make a difference CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Seize the Opportunity to make a Difference Move your department forward on its strategic plan The plan has been agreed to within your department. Your strategic plan is a road map that is common knowledge with the dean’s office. Refer to it in discussions about hiring and curriculum and in proposals you bring forward to our office. CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Seize the Opportunity to make a Difference Support and enhance the excellence and diversity of the faculty Facilitate great faculty recruitment, paying attention to building a pool of diverse applicants. Help junior faculty become successful scholars, teachers, and academic leaders. Guide processes of tenure, promotion, merit review, awards. Help senior faculty continue to develop professionally. Gather and apply the resources necessary to support quality teaching, research, and professional success. CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Seize the Opportunity to make a Difference Enhance the quality and standing of your academic programs Examine your degree programs, and curriculum, and student academic experience and make necessary improvements: What is the state of the art? What is possible here? Realign the distribution of teaching & student support duties to match the needs of the curriculum and students. Improve the quality of teaching and mentoring; expand the repertoire of pedagogies. Seek collaboration with other programs/departments for mutual benefit. CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Seize the Opportunity to make a Difference Increase the quality and prominence of your research programs Mentor the newest scholars and demand the highest standards. Support and encourage promising new research clusters and projects. Pursue publicity for research accomplishments. Seek ways to assist faculty who are not sufficiently research active or seek alternatives for them. Encourage collaboration with other programs/departments for mutual benefit. CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Seize the Opportunity to make a Difference Transform the working climate of your department (if necessary!) Listen carefully for overlooked needs Look at other models Respect but don’t be confined by the past Do the difficult internal work CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Some tactical advice Set goals, plan, and check your progress Attend to the big picture and the critical details Seek information from others with experience Respect but don’t be confined by the past Know your strengths and weaknesses Demonstrate appropriate ethical, professional & personal qualities Don’t be afraid to fail sometimes (exception: see previous point) CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Working within constraints Limits on your time, financial resources, faculty/staff resources require prioritization What is your department’s mission, highest priorities, goals? Do the tactics to achieve them make sense given your constraints? Which goals cannot be achieved within the constraints? Prioritization decisions are hard but necessary In the longer term, work to change the constraints CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Obstacles to Success Lack of a plan Hostile climate Defensive or defeatist mentalities Us vs. them thinking Acceptance of toxic individuals CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
What does the Dean need from you? Your energy and will to accomplish the collective goals of your department Communication about needs: let us know what you and your department need and how we can help you achieve these goals Communication to your department about CAS and University goals and processes Critical engagement with us as we set priorities, develop funding streams, and allocate resources Promotion of your department faculty and student successes CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Good Luck and Enjoy the Ride! Discussion CAS BOSTON UNIVERSITY