Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. i e Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. i e
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Correction of Errors one approach
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Double Entry including accruals/prepayments to simple P&L and Balance Sheet Incomplete Records Control Accounts – Subsidiary Books Depreciation and Disposal Clubs, Service, Farm Manufacturing Correction of Errors Bank Reconciliations Sequence of Topics
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Departmental CVP Cash Flow Product Costing Ratio Analysis Budgeting Published Tabulars Sequence of Topics
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Two aspects to all transactions Matching of Debits and Credits Double Entry
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Double Entry Accounts Purpose Asset Record what the firm owns and what is owed to the firm. e.g. Vans A / C, Premises A / C, Cash A / C, Debtors A / C Liability Record what the firm owes. e.g. Loan A / C, Bank Overdraft A / C, Creditors A / C Expense Record the firm’s day to day running expenses. e.g. Wages A / C,, Insurance A / C, Purchases A / C Revenue Record day to day income earned by the firm e.g. Sales A / C, Rent Received A / C, Commission A / C
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Summary of possible entries DebitCredit Asset Asset Liability Liability Expense Expense Revenue Revenue
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Thus with every transaction you come across you need to decide: 1.What are the two accounts involved? 2.Which type of account is each one? 3.Does the transaction cause an increase or decrease in each account? 4.Therefore is it a Dr or Cr? Finally make the entry in the relevant accounts (Handout) 4 Questions
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4 Source DocumentsSubsidiary BooksLedger Double Entry Final Accounts Balance Sheet Invoices [credit purchases and sales] Sales Book Purchases Book Post these transactions using Double Entry Rules Transfer from the Ledger to ascertain Profit for the Year and the Net Worth of the Company at a point in time Credit Notes Sales Returns Book Purchases Returns Book Cheque Payments Cheque Payments Book Receipts Cash Receipts Book Anything ElseGeneral Journal Recording Transactions
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Source documents List Reduce entries in accounts in nominal ledger Subsidiary Books
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Arithmetical check on double entry before preparation of Final Accounts and Balance Sheet Obvious there are errors Hidden errors Material amounts Minor discrepancies Trial Balance
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Trial Balance doesn’t work – make it work temporarily by putting in Suspense A / C Prepare final accounts including errors while somebody searches for errors Correct the errors through double entry NOT by crossing out (illegal!) Suspense
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Errors Don’t show up Original Entry Omission Compensating Commission Principle Reversal Do show up Half double entry Twice on same side Figures different Totting errors New information
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Read and Explain Pairs Read a little -- Talk a little Types of Errors
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e 1.What Happened 1.What should have happened 2.Correction = JOURNAL ENTRY Approaching the Question
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Transfer Suspense Items Highlight Profit & Loss items Highlight Balance Sheet items Journal Entries
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e As per Journal Entries Transfer balance to what buried in – follow double entry rules Suspense Account
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Adjusting the Profit Debits in Journal => Increasing expenses or Reducing Revenue Credits in Journal => Increasing Revenue or Reducing Expenses Profits
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Profit as per draft accounts Add Less Corrected Net Profit Adjusting the Profit
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Balance Sheet Items ItemOriginal Figure ChangesNew Figure Premises Debtors Bank(xxxxx) Creditors Capital Loan
pdst 2014 www. pdst. i e Nature of business Unseen items Switching figures English! Watch for