Warm-up: Discuss with your neighbor which one of these people has a Mental Health Disorder © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Mental Health Basics Lesson 1 © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
KWL Chart: Mental Disorders K What you know W What you want to know L What you learned On your own sheet of paper copy the chart. Write what you know about mental disorders and what you want to know. At the end of the notes fill in the last column. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Essential to Overall Health Guiding Question: What does Mental Health mean to you? Is it a positive state of being, a negative state of being, or both? © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Chapter 3 What is Mental Health? State of mental well-being in which you can cope with the demands of daily life. It is estimated that only about 17% of U.S adults are considered to be in a state of optimal mental health Characteristics of mentally and emotionally healthy people: Sense of control Sense of control Can endure failures and frustrations Can endure failures and frustrations Ability to see events positively Ability to see events positively Can express emotions in a healthy way Can express emotions in a healthy way © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX) Guiding Question: Share suggestions on how you express emotions in a healthy way.
Mental Health Indicators Emotional well-being Perceived life satisfaction, happiness, cheerfulness, peacefulness Psychological well-being Self-acceptance, personal growth including openness to new experiences, optimism, hopefulness, purpose in life, control of one’s environment, spirituality, self- direction, and positive relationships Social well-being Social acceptance, beliefs in the potential of people and society as a whole, personal self-worth and usefulness to society, sense of community © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Defining Mental Illness Mental illness is defined by the CDC as “disorders generally characterized by dysregulation of mood, thought, and/or behavior.” © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Causes of Mental Illness The exact cause of most mental illnesses are not known. Many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors….not personal weakness or a character defect. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Chapter 3 Causes of Mental Illness Some develop from traumatic or stressful life experiences. Some can be inherited (genetic predisposition). Some are caused by physical disorders or injuries. Environment during pregnancy: Consuming alcohol or drugs, medical complications during birth, exposure to a virus, toxin, or chemicals Consuming alcohol or drugs, medical complications during birth, exposure to a virus, toxin, or chemicals Whatever the cause, many can be treated. Video © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Warning Signs of Mental Illness Frequent sadness or changes in mood or behavior Changes in eating and sleeping patterns Not wanting to go to school or work Fighting with family and friends Drug and alcohol abuse Hopelessness Feeling confused, angry, forgetful, edgy, or upset Wanting to hurt oneself or others Hearing voices Isolation or acting distant Sharing thoughts of suicide © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Facts about Mental Illness It affects thousands of people from every income level, race, gender, age and nationality. Mental illnesses are more common than cancer or heart disease. More than 5 million Americans suffer an acute episode of mental illness each year. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX) 1 in 5 adolescents
Mental Health Statistics © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Myths and Stigmas of Mental Illness Unfortunately, mental illness is often misunderstood. The myths and stigmas that surround mental illness mean that many people are not diagnosed and do not receive treatment. Mental illnesses are not the result of personal weakness or a lack of character. Video Video © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Famous people with Mental Health Disorders Winston Churchill Depression Beethoven Bipolar disorder Robin Williams Bipolar disorder Depression Kurt Cobain ADHD Bipolar © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Famous people with Mental Health Disorders Ricky Williams Social anxiety disorder Demi Lovato Bipolar Disorder Owen Wilson Depression Whoopi Goldberg PTSD © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Think, Pair, Share With a partner, discuss your thoughts about the following quote: “News of Robin Williams’s death due to apparent suicide, said to be a result of suffering severe depression, is terribly sad. But to say taking your own life because of such an illness is a ‘selfish’ act does nothing but insult the deceased, potentially cause more harm and reveal a staggering ignorance of mental health problems.” ( Williams’s deathhttp:// © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Current Events: Mental Health Pick a mental health disorder that interests you and find a current article that deals with your topic. The article must come from a CURRENT and RELIABLE news source. Write a paper that meets the specified requirements. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)