1 Unit III Civil War and Reconstruction
2 Objectives SWBAT: Analyze relationships between various groups in America. Identify differences between the northern and southern US at the time of the Civil War. Discuss the process in which slaves were extended rights. Describe how freed slaves were denied these rights.
3 Comparing North and South North Climate difference Diversified industry Less dependent on slavery South Relied on “peculiar institution of slavery”. Plantation economy.
4 New Territories Pro and anti slavery critics argue over new territories and whether or not they should be “free” or “slave states” Why do you think they argued?
5 California Grows Discovery of gold in California causes region to grow. California applies for statehood in California constitution forbade slavery. Southerner’s upset. Wanted Compromise of 1820 (slavery permitted below the line) to apply
6 Compromise of 1850 Allowed California to be admitted as a free state. Gave southerners in New Mexico and Utah territories right to vote on slave issue (popular sovereignty). Congress would pass a more effective fugitive slave law.
7 Protest, Resistance, and Violence Fugitive Slave Act – did not permit slaves to a trial by jury. Anyone convicted of helping a slave liable for $1000 fine. 6 months imprisonment Northerners started “vigilance committees” to help get slaves to Canada.
8 Underground Railroad System of escape routes to the north and Canada.
9 Harriet Tubman Was a conductor of the Underground Railroad. Led as many as 300 slaves to freedom. Made 19 trips.
10 Harriet Beecher Stowe Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stressed slavery was not just a political contest but a moral struggle. Stirred northern abolitionists
11 Bleeding Kansas Bill introduced in Congress to divide Kansas and Nebraska territory into 2. Bill would establish popular sovereignty for both territories. Kansas Nebraska Act becomes law 1854 Proslavery supporters crossed into Kansas and voted illegally. Kansas sets up proslavery laws.
12 Dredd Scott A slave taken to free territory. Felt he was now free. Scott was considered property.
13 Southern Secession After Lincoln won presidency southern states felt they lost their battle over states rights and their say in government. South Carolina secedes on December 20, Mississippi follows, as does Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Establish the Confederacy or Confederate States of America.
14 Reconstruction Amendments 13 th – abolished slavery – ratified th – prevents states from denying rights and privileges to any US citizen (anyone born in US or naturalized) 15 th – no one can be denied the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
15 Reconstruction Plan’s Lincoln’s Plan Lenient 10% plan – all confederates pardoned except for high ranking gov’t. officials and war criminals. 10% of voters in 1860 had to take oath of allegiance New state gov’t. formed, readmitted Radical Plan Destroy political power of the south Wanted African- Americans to be given full right to vote and full citizenship.
16 Lincoln’s Assassination April 14 th 1865 Shot in head at Ford’s Theatre Died on April 15 th John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln.
17 Johnson’s Plan Lincoln was assassinated prior to fully implementing his plan. VP Andrew Johnson implements his own plan, differed little from Lincolns. Tried to break the planter’s power by prohibiting voting rights to this group. Pardoned 13, 000 confederates, felt “white men” should manage the south.
18 Johnson’s Impeachment Johnson had voted to extend civil rights to African Americans and to establish Freedmen Bureaus. An angry Congress moved to impeach Johnson. Felt he had misused power by removing a radical Secretary of War from office. Senate votes to not convict.
19 Changing Society Scalawags – white southerners who joined the Republican Party, opposed wealthy planters. Carpetbaggers – Northerners who moved south after the war.
20 African Americans in Reconstruction Hiram Revels – first African American to serve in politics on local or state level. Tennant Farming – rent land to farm Sharecroppers – kept a small share of their crops and gave rest to landowners.
21 Opposition to Reconstruction Ku Klux Klan – goals were to destroy Republican Party, throw out Reconstruction governments, aid the planter class, and prevent African Americans from exercising their political rights.