Republic of Tunisia Ministry of Intérior -***- General Directorate of NationalSecurity National Security
P l a n 3 Extracts of activities of police academies 1 Presentation of the T.H.O 2 Types of training
Missions and attributs To settle programs of basic and continuous training To identify the needs of national security for training To elaborate and evaluate the directory plan for continuous training To organise the different recruitement contests To Supervise the implementation of continuous training To Rehabilitate the corps trainers and monitors
o officer o superintender o inspector
2 3 4
Rehabilitation and commandement training Certificate of head department Certificate of sector chief Certificate of regiment chief Certificate of squad chief Certificate of police station chief Certificate of section chief (judiciary / administrative)
Sergent- chief Second - lieut adjudant- chief adjudant lieutenant Specialized training
1- Le Recrutement 2 -Formation de base 3 -Formation continue