There is nothing new under the sun. This statement applies to characters as well. All characters fit into pre-existing archetypal patterns. There are many character archetypes. We will encounter only some of the most frequent. Think of character archetypes as the same character reappearing with a different face and name.
Somewhat like a servant, but is heroic himself. Must protect the hero and reflect the nobility of the hero.
A figure who is banished from a social group for a crime against his fellow man. The outcast is usually destined to become a wanderer from place to place.
These two characters are enter an ill fated love affair ends tragically, typically in the death of either or both of the lovers.
Given to violent, scolding, particularly nagging treatment.
Suffers at the mercy of the cruel or indifferent world around her.
Moved by compassion, generosity, and selflessness to help others. Prone to martyrdom and enabling behaviors, Helps raise our children and aid those in need.
Mentors serve as teachers or counselors to the heroes. Sometimes they work as role models. Sometimes they serve as a father or mother figure.
Provides a service to a personality that often has a stronger nature or a role in life that carries more authority
The “knight in shining armor”, the proctector is always ready to fight to defend honor, his country, and the helpless. Chivalrous, an expert in protocol and handy with a sword. In the modern day he may also be handy with technology/computers
Totally evil Offers worldly goods, fame, or knowledge in exchange for the possession of the soul. Wishes to corrupt the protagonist, and thereby destroy him or her.
Picks a target, usually one who they know will never fight back, and abuse the poor person repeatedly. They may employ one or all of the three forms of abuse—emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. May have a posse—lieutenants who are only to eager to assist him in his show of domination and power.
A friend/not quite an enemy who seeks to out do the main character.
For the next few weeks, try to identify character archetypes in television shows, movies, books, and anywhere else you may look. We’ll be using this information to identify character archetypes in literature in the future, so hang on to it!