1 The Strongest! Nature Nugget for Lesson 25
2 Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither the mighty man glory in his might... but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me. Jeremiah 9:23, 24
3 How mighty is man?
4 As mighty as a crocodile? Neerav Bhatt_flickr
5 What about a blowfly?
6 A blowfly can pull 170 times its weight. So if you weighed 100 pounds, that would be equal to 17,000 pounds. Valter Jacinto_flickr
7 Treesha Duncan_flickr A bee can pull 300 times its weight.
8 Rainer Hungershausen_flickr An earwig can pull 530 times its weight.
9 Nemo’s great uncle_flickr A scarab beetle can lift 850 times its weight. (If an average- sized man could do that, he would be able to lift more than sixty tons.)
10 Marv!_flickr An elephant uses the 40,000 muscles in its trunk to lift as much as a ton.
11 Jude_wikipedia And a workhorse has pulled more than 16 railroad cars (weighing 55 tons) for twenty miles in six hours.
12 Paul Anderson, sometimes called the world’s strongest man, backlifted 6,270 pounds.
13 Paul Edward Anderson ❖ Height 5’ 9.5” ❖ Weight about pounds ❖ Born in Georgia in 1932 ❖ Olympic gold medalist, World champion, and two time United States National Champion in weightlifting ❖ Lifted a 2000 pound elephant on “What’s My Line” and then lifted the whole panel, who were on a carousel type structure ❖ Backlifted 6,270 pounds when he weighed 360 pounds
14 Most, if not all of us, will never be able to do that, but we are stronger than Paul Anderson!
15 My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
16 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)