Copyright, 1996 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. INTERACTION ANALYSIS TIP For a USM course that focuses upon conversation analysis, see COM 375/475 Chapter 8
Introduction The overall goal of the study of conversation is to examine messages exchanged in dyadic or small group interactions to discover the “systematic and orderly processes which are meaningful to conversants” (Heritage, 1989) The overall goal of the study of conversation is to examine messages exchanged in dyadic or small group interactions to discover the “systematic and orderly processes which are meaningful to conversants” (Heritage, 1989)
Some Directions of Study Aspects of conversation to study:Aspects of conversation to study: –topics discussed –purposes of individuals’ utterances –structure of conversation turnsturns relationship between utterancesrelationship between utterances –how properites of talk affect outcomes
Researchers study conversation to help us become better conversationalists. A.TRUE B.FALSE A.TRUE B.FALSE
Decisions for the Researcher Selecting a source for samples of conversationSelecting a source for samples of conversation –overhearing talk –requesting samples –laboratory setting General or Specific TalkGeneral or Specific Talk –E.g., marital arguments, boss & worker
Decisions for the Researcher Whether to select unprompted or prompted conversations (natural or structured) To analyze real or hypothetical conversations E.g, imagine yourself serving on a jury Novels and films
Decisions for the Researcher How to record the conversation listen and take notes tape record videotape
Decisions for the Researcher Qualitative vs. Quantitative Approaches --Qualitative + conversation analysis + discourse analysis --Quantitative + interaction analysis (p. 223)
Interaction Analysis Key goals: to empirically identify regular sequences of events to identify what function an event and sequence serves
Interaction Analysis Researchers typically employ structured observational schemes, pre-determined categories used to analyze the conversation Observed sequences are compared to hypothetical sequences that could have occurred by chance
Interaction Analysis Structured observations are much like content analysis units of analysis are determined to record coders sort the data by categories comparison of codings between coders analyzing and statistically testing the data
Case Study Review the study on pp , applying key principles from Interaction Analysis. Offer a summary of the study, what was studied and how. Point out key strengths and weaknesses in the study.