Assessment report on the 2010 round of Population and Housing Censuses in Africa Document Number E/ECA/STATCOM/4/9 UNECA and AfDB Fourth Session of Statistical Commission Africa and Meeting of Committee of DGs December 2014 Tunis, Tunisia
No. of countries that conducted censuses in: 1990 round round round47 No. of countries that conducted censuses in all three rounds 30 No. of countries that conducted censuses in the 1990 and 2010 rounds but missed the 2000 round 8 No. of countries that conducted a census in the 2010 round after having missed the 1990 and 2000 rounds 4 Status of Censuses in Africa in past three rounds
The assessment is based on 1.Between 2011 and 2012, UNSD and US Bureau of Census questionnaire based survey – included 33 responses from African countries 2.In 2013 AfDB and ECA conducted a detailed assessment in eight countries that focused on four major themes a)Planning and management; b)Quality assurance; c)Use of technology; and d)Processing, dissemination, analysis and use
Points for discussion Set up a Task Force on Population and Housing Census with all relevant stakeholders to provide technical support and guidance and support to member states Develop a five-year regional programme on PHC Building sustainable capacity development on PHC through a)Establishing centres of excellences which will provide training and promote research based on census data b)Promote South-South cooperation and sharing of experiences ASSD should resume it focus on PHC (even if in a partial way) Countries should develop an integrated approach in cartographic work in PHC by combing the efforts in census in this area and other national initiatives on cartography