The Colonial Experience Ch. 4 Sec. 1 Pp
A Voice in Government Colonists were used to having a voice in government They set up legislatures and had some self- government 1619 – first colonial legislature set up in VA
A Voice in Government If a colony lost their charter, the king appointed a royal governor England was fighting wars in the 1600s and early 1700s, so they let the colonies run themselves
A Voice in Government Colonists resisted England’s efforts to increase control Governors were appointed and represented England’s interests, not the colonists’ Power struggles between governors and legislatures
Citizenship in the Colonies Only white men who owned some property could vote Africans were brought as slave and were considered property Colonists worked to help the community Puritans established schools, other colonists sent their children to private schools or taught them at home
Some Roots of Freedom All English citizens had to pay taxes to the Church of England Some, like the Puritans, were persecuted Puritans denied religious freedom
Some Roots of Freedom Roger Williams and his followers were forced to leave and established Rhode Island To the colonists, religious freedom mean any Christian religion
Some Roots of Freedom Under English law, newspapers could not criticize the government 1735 – Peter Zenger arrested for saying the governor was taking bribes and interfering with elections Jury found him innocent, because it was true
Some Roots of Freedom England began to tighten its control over the colonies People complained and wondered if England was trying to take away their rights