Livin’ La Vida Rome Roman Society
Men and Women Rome was a patriarchal society= men ruled their families and traced origins through males ancestors Power of fathers – Paterfamilias= oldest man in a Roman family Owned all property Unlimited power in family but limited by custom Role of women – Enjoyed more freedom that Greek women – Could own personal property – Most important role of a woman was to bear children – Ideal woman was faithful wife and mother, devoted to her family
Rich and Poor Most Romans were poor free people or slaves Living the good life – Most wealthy Roman earned their money from agriculture – Lived in one-or-two story houses as large as a city block Had gardens, courtyards, private baths, decorations Villas= large country home – Worked on advancing political careers
The common people – Most poor lived in cramped city apartments Crime, disease, and fire were serious dangers – Jobs Tenant farmers= rented land from wealthy landlords Day laborers Ran stores taverns, and resturants
Slavery As many as 40% of the population in 1 B.C.E. Living Conditions – No rights – Children born into slavery were also slaves – Living conditions varied from harsh to that of a poor Roman – Slaves who served loyally could be freed
Roman Religion Important part of every day life Origins – Worshiped hundreds of gods – Many were adopted from Greeks or Etruscans Role of government – Established= an official religion supported by the government – Government officials also served as priests – Believed it was important to keep the gods happy