Collaboration A Presentation to the Storm Water Roundtable By Richard A. Watson, AICP Richard Watson & Associates, Inc. Duarte, CA 16 February 2016
Opportunities for Collaboration Working together on Legislation Working together on Planning Working together on Policy Development Working together on Projects 2
Example of Collaboration on Legislation Development and Implementation of SB 346 Initial research on copper in brake pads funded by Regional Water Boards and coordinated by Brake Pad Partnership in the Bay Area CASQA and Sustainable Conservation led development of bill language, support for the legislation with financial assistance from many cities and counties. CASQA now monitoring implementation of SB 346 by DTSC and collaborating with State of Washington Crafting possible legislation to give stormwater utilities the same status as water, wastewater, and refuse utilities involved collaboration between League of Cities, CSAC, ACWA, CASA, CASQA, BIA, MWD, Heal the Bay, and others 3
Example of Collaboration on Planning 2012 MS4 Permit encouraged collaboration among municipalities and the Flood Control District to develop WMPs and EWMPs 19 groups formed to develop and implement plans. Seeing greater collaboration to address water quality than ever before Now moving toward more collaboration with the Sanitation Districts, the Water Districts, and the Replenishment District 4
Example of Collaboration on Policy Development Stormwater Funding Options Report a great example of collaboration A City Manager work group of seven City Managers plus advisors from the County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, and Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Elected Officials Committee of 12 named by League of California Cities, Los Angeles County Division and California Contract Cities Association Stakeholder reviews from Heal the Bay and the private sector Agency reviewers from Los Angeles County Office of Education, Los Angeles Unified School District, and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board 5
Example of Collaboration on a Project Mayfair High School Water Capture Project is a good example of collaborative project development It is a project in Lakewood, but most of the stormwater and dry weather runoff comes from Bellflower. The three principal collaborators are the Bellflower Department of Public Works, the Bellflower Unified School District, and the Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Group. Other collaborators include the Lakewood Department of Public Works, Lakewood Department of Water Resources, Los Angeles County Flood Control District, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, and the California Coalition for Economic and Environmental Balance. Others consulted include Central Basin Municipal Water District, Water Replenishment District of Southern California, Los Angeles County Department of Public Heath, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, and State Water Resources Control Board. 6