CMS History Compact Muon Solinoid Compact Relative to ATLAS, which is ~1.5x the diameter of CMS and 2x as long (but ATLAS is half the weight of CMS!). Muon There is a BIG emphasis on muon detectors in CMS. Muons are excellent signatures of interesting physics (they can be easily identified, only come from the decay of a heavy (=possibly interesting) particle). if a muon chamber sees a signal, it is certainly due to the passage of a muon. The muon chambers contribute strongly to the CMS Trigger system – the system to identify interesting proton-proton interactions ! Solenoid The basis for most large collider experiments is the choice of the type of magnet (to allow momentum measurements ). CMS uses a solenoid essentially a big cylindrical coil of wire that generates a magnetic field down its axis when an electrical current is passed along the wire.
Beginnings Part of the SSC Beginnings before 1993 LHC Milstones
The design objectives of CMS are thus: A very good and redundant (=many layers, so that if one fails we can fall-back on the others) muon system The best possible electromagnetic calorimeter A high quality central tracking A hadron calorimeter with sufficient energy resolution and that capture almost all possible energy
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