New Curriculum Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
NEW CURRICULUM – FROM THE START OF THIS YEAR There is higher expectation overall – pupils will be benchmarked against age-related expectations in other nations. There are fewer things in more depth in primary All pupils will be expected to build firm foundations
NEW CURRICULUM – IN DETAIL There are earlier and more challenging requirements for multiplication tables, which have been increased to 12x12 – by the age of 9 The curriculum has clear expectations around written methods in addition to mental methods. There is an earlier and more challenging requirement for fractions and decimals. Use of calculators has been restricted. Abstract symbols have been introduced in Year 1 – simple fractions taught in year 1 Five year olds will be expected to count up to 100 and know number bonds to 20
OUR WAY OF TEACHING MATHS – 2 KEY PRINCIPLES Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract - AP A deep understanding
SO HOW DO WE GET A DEEP UNDERSTANDING? Through concrete – pictorial - abstract
WRITTEN CALCULATIONS Formal written methods only begin in year 2. A sold. Only when they have a good grasp of mental methods should they move on.
ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION Do they know addition and subtraction facts to 20? Do they understand place value and can they partition numbers? Can they add three single digit numbers mentally? Can they add and subtract any pair of two digit numbers mentally? Can they explain their mental strategies orally and record them using informal jottings? What can you help them with at home?
MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Do they know the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 time table Do they know the result of multiplying by 0 and 1? Do they understand 0 as a placeholder? Can they multiply two and three digit numbers by 10 and 100? Can they double and halve two digit numbers mentally? What can you help them with at home?