S. Caspi, LBNL TQS – Progress and plans Shlomo Caspi LBNL Collaboration meeting FNAL April 18-20 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

S. Caspi, LBNL TQS – Progress and plans Shlomo Caspi LBNL Collaboration meeting FNAL April

S. Caspi, LBNL 2 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Outline Test results of TQS01, TQS01b, TQS01c Training and short sample performance Measured strain-stress Comparing magnet results TQS02a test preparation Final assembly April 2007 Test in early May at FNAL MTF

S. Caspi, LBNL 3 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coils and Pads subassembly

S. Caspi, LBNL 4 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01 Final assembly Two Subassemblies Structure pack – shell and yoke Coil pack – coils and pads

S. Caspi, LBNL 5 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Key and bladder assembly Assembly Procedure 1.Coil pack snug inside structure 2.Axial pre-compression: 250 kN/end 3.Azimuthal coil pre-compression: -15 MPa Cool-down A factor ~10 gain in azimuthal compression (150 MPa) A factor ~3 gain in applied axial compression (750 kN) Controlled and predictable applied stress based on analysis

S. Caspi, LBNL 6 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01 summary ….. TQS01TQS01bTQS01c Coils5,6,7,87,8,14,155,7,8,15 IslandBronze Bronze (pinned) Slip planesnoyes ConductorMJR Pre-stress Axial Azimuthal Cool-down Axial Azimuthal Cool-down Axial Azimuthal Cool-down Test4.4K (LBNL) 4.4K, 1.9K, FNAL Mag. measurementno yes

S. Caspi, LBNL 7 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01 measured …. TQS01TQS01bTQS01c Maximum current (A) (4.4K) (3.2K) 9932 (4.4K) 9570 (4.4K) 10521(1.9K) 9989 (4.4K) Iss (%)87% (4.4K)82% (4.4K) 80-82% (4.4K) 80% (1.9K) Shell cold (MPa) -t Shell cold (MPa) -z Rods cold (MPa) -z Island cold (MPa) -t Island cold (MPa) -z Coil calculated cold (Sigma-t, Sigma-z) (MPa)-150, +12

S. Caspi, LBNL 8 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS-01,01b,01c training …. 4.4K

S. Caspi, LBNL 9 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS-01,01b,01c training

S. Caspi, LBNL 10 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01/01b: Quench-Origin 1,4,5 Ramp 1 TQS01 Plateau Ramp TQS01b Plateau 1 Majority of quenches originated near island gaps

S. Caspi, LBNL 11 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01c: Quench-Origin

S. Caspi, LBNL 12 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Magnetic measurements - TQS01c

S. Caspi, LBNL 13 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01 – Transfer Function

S. Caspi, LBNL 14 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Measured Gradient

S. Caspi, LBNL 15 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01 Normal harmonic b6

S. Caspi, LBNL 16 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Shell – Azimuthal stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 17 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Shell – Axial stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 18 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Rods – Axial stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 19 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island – Azimuthal stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 20 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island – Axial stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 21 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Strain measurements Structure: Azimuthal and axial gauges on the shell Axial gauges on the rods Coils: Azimuthal and axial gauges on the inner islands (center) Axial gauges on the inner islands (magnet ends) Azimuthal gauges on the coil to calibrate against bronze island (TQS01b) Axial gauges on the coil to measure differential strain near island gap (TQS01b)

S. Caspi, LBNL 22 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Structure Strain Gauge Z theta Temp. Compensator Shell 4 azimuthal and 4 axial Rods 4 axial

S. Caspi, LBNL 23 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island Strain Gauges SG-ZSG-Theta Gap

S. Caspi, LBNL 24 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coil Gauges Gap- No Gap axial bridge Azimuthal gauges

S. Caspi, LBNL 25 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01b - Shell Assembly Cool-down Training Warm-up 300 K

S. Caspi, LBNL 26 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Rod (TQS01b) Assembly Cool-down Training Warm-up

S. Caspi, LBNL 27 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island Center (TQS01b) Assembly Cool-down Training Warm-up 300K

S. Caspi, LBNL 28 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island average stress during excitation (TQS01) Tension Compression ± ± range I~10.6 kA

S. Caspi, LBNL 29 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 IslandCenter_Y start end

S. Caspi, LBNL 30 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 IslandCenter_Z

S. Caspi, LBNL 31 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island_YZ_Stress fixed axial strain + reduced azimuthal strain = increase axial stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 32 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coil 15_YZ_Stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 33 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 MIITs study – current response (TQS01c) Gain of 300 A Permanent degradation 80 A gain MIITs in coil 15

S. Caspi, LBNL 34 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 MIITs study - stress response (TQS01c) 300 A gain80 A gaindegradation

S. Caspi, LBNL 35 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coil05_YZ_Stress

S. Caspi, LBNL 36 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coil 15 – TQS01c

S. Caspi, LBNL 37 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 MIITs study - Coil 7 (TQS01c)

S. Caspi, LBNL 38 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS-CW-015_Sample-3_Lead-End

S. Caspi, LBNL 39 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Temperature compensator - free_Bronze

S. Caspi, LBNL 40 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Temperature compensator - free_Bronze T lambda

S. Caspi, LBNL 41 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Layer 2 OD (TQS01b post test) No visible cracks

S. Caspi, LBNL 42 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Layer 1 OD (TQS01b post test) Layer 2 islands removed No visible cracks

S. Caspi, LBNL 43 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Layer 1 ID (TQS01b post test) No visible cracks

S. Caspi, LBNL 44 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coil 9 ID post test (TQC01) bubbles Directional cracks

S. Caspi, LBNL 45 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01c “straights” – post test Bubbles

S. Caspi, LBNL 46 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01c “ends” – post test (no bubbles)

S. Caspi, LBNL 47 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS01c – post test High strain discoloration Elongated radial displacement

S. Caspi, LBNL 48 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS02 Same structure as TQS01 4 new coils (new conductor- RRP) New islands (Ti replacing Bronze) Inner layer islands pinned to outer layer Similar assembly procedure

S. Caspi, LBNL 49 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Scan of axial-strain along coil turn 1 Segmented bronze island Segmented Titanium island

S. Caspi, LBNL 50 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Coil strain near a gap – (TQS01b) A bridge measures strain concentration in the coil as a result of a segmented island island coil island Axial SG

S. Caspi, LBNL 51 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Island-C15-Zgap-bridge Assembly Cool-down Training Warm-up 300K

S. Caspi, LBNL 52 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS 01/02 calculated Strain/Stress at 4.4K Bronze - with axial support Titanium- with axial support Titanium- no axial support Island Strain µ ε θ Island Strain µ ε z Island Stress σ θ Island Stress σ z Coil Strain µ ε θ Coil Strain µ ε z Coil Stress σ θ Coil Stress σ z

S. Caspi, LBNL 53 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Reacted coils with Ti Islands Layer to layer Inconel pins Close gap

S. Caspi, LBNL 54 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS02 – Reacted lead side Titanium Bronze shoe pin No gap

S. Caspi, LBNL 55 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 TQS02 – Reacted return side Titanium Bronze shoe No gap

S. Caspi, LBNL 56 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Titanium island Mechanical stored energy reduced by factor 2-3 Gaps between segmented islands closed Slightly higher axial tension in the coil Slightly lower azimuthal stress in the coil Possible removal of axial rods

S. Caspi, LBNL 57 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Summary A structure with axial and azimuthal pre-stress control –low assembly pre-stress –substantial pre-stress gain during cool-down TQS01,b,c – reached a plateau of 80%-87% All Islands are in axial tension Epoxy cracking in islands gaps Strain concentration in turn 1 near gaps (measured and calculated) Most quench origins are near island gaps No evidence of separation or epoxy cracking near the “ends” Importance of strain gauges and understanding their complexity Coils can experience high stress and maintain their integrity. Negligible impact of Lorentz forces on structure Analysis and expectations - measurements and confirmation

S. Caspi, LBNL 58 LARP Collaboration Meeting 8, FNAL- Apr 18-20, 2007 Summary continue Reversibility – coils and structure can return to their initial warm stress condition Evidence of coil sensitivity to strain Spot heaters to calibrate coils before and after training Ti islands with no gaps during reaction and impregnation