United Kingdom This country has 14 overseas territories. The ethnic make-up of this country is 92.2% white. Less than 1% of this country’s General Domestic Produce (GDP) comes from agriculture.
This country has a population density of 295 people per square mile. This was the first country to hold the Winter Olympic games. This country is 54% Christian. France
This country has the 4 th largest population in the EU. Article 11 of this country’s constitution says ‘[We] reject war as an instrument of aggression against the freedoms of other people. This country once had an African empire that included modern-day Djibouti and Somalia.
The biggest minority group in this country is of Polish nationals. The main traditional sport in this country is ‘Glima’, a type of wrestling. This country became an independent republic in Iceland
This country joined the European Union in % of this country’s land is mountainous. Annual temperatures in this country can go as low as -27°C and as high as +48°C. Greece
This country lost 25% of its population in WW2. This country’s wildlife population includes animals like Brown bears, wolves and moose, which have disappeared in other parts of Europe. In April 2007 this country experienced an onslaught of cyber attacks, prompting the government to establish the world’s first e-military. Estonia
The international dialling code for this country is % of this country is covered in forest. 99.3% of this country’s population belongs to the main national group. Polska
This country has 187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands. Life expectancy in this country is 82 years for women and 75 years for men. Only 3% of this countries students are enrolled in private schools. Finland
In 1955, this country was declared ‘permanently neutral’ by an act of parliament. This is one of the ten richest countries in the world. This country produces wine, but only in the Eastern part. Austria
This country has a population of approximately 22 million. The largest building in Europe is located in this country. Philosophical writers critical of religion, such as Voltaire and Camus, have recently been removed from this country’s curriculum. Romania