E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America JRA1 role and its interaction with SA1 and NA3 Francisco Brasileiro Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG (Brazil) Diego Scardaci Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – INFN (Italy) TB Meeting Itacuruça,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America JRA1 role –What? R&D with the goal of increasing the reach and the usability of e-Infrastructure –How? Assembling/re-engineering existing technologies and developing new ones that will facilitate the installation, management and use of the grid infrastructure Developing both infrastructure and application oriented services Special attention will be given to the issues related with the sustainable use, management and growth of the e-Infrastructure and its users’ community Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Being more specific on the “how” –Actions to increase reach and usability Allow both dedicated and non-dedicated resources to be shared Allow resources to be shared without changing their operating system, including both Linux and Windows boxes, but also other architectures Allow applications to run on worker nodes that run operating systems other than scientific Linux Attract more applications through the provision of enabling services Provide a simpler middleware for simpler applications and simpler deployment of best-effort resource centres –Impact on the sustainability More resources, more users, and more applications may provide additional evidences for the impact and need of the e-infrastructure Peer-to-peer “business model” may help reducing the cost of maintaining part of the infrastructure, although with a best-effort service level Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Being even more specific on the “how” –Add support for a new Java-based middleware that caters for a different profile of users and resource centres Users of simpler self-contained Bag-of-Tasks applications Resource centres without access to skilled IT support personal to install and maintain a gLite installation operational cannot afford to provide dedicated resources, but are able to contribute with a reasonable amount of non-dedicated resources –Allow resource centres running different middleware to co-exist OurGrid will be used to scavenge idle cycles of resource centres running gLite Dedicated resources of resource centres running OurGrid will be allowed to be exposed to the Service Grid e-infrastructure running a lighter deployment pack of gLite Multi-middleware sites (gLite and GT4) Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Being even more specific on the “how” –Port gLite to run on Windows boxes –Use Virtual Machine technology for simpler and more flexible operation of the e-infrastructure –Cater for the special needs of more sophisticated applications Develop new application-oriented grid services that follow the RESPECT guidelines Critical requirement for being RESPECT compliant “software providers wanting to appear in the list must be “endorsed” by an application running on the EGEE production infrastructure” (the lead application) we are looking for properly “lead application” for each EELA-2 service (in collaboration with NA3) Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Grid Services Developing Develop Services that will decisively contribute to a durable, versatile and cost-effective use of the e-Infrastructure Applications Support Provides support to EELA-2 Applications Applications Requirements Identify Services & Tools useful for EELA-2 Applications REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFICATION SUPPORT GRID SERVICES DEVELOPMENT Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, Typical use case of interactions among JRA1, SA1, and NA3
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Interactions among JRA1, SA1, and NA3 –We need to define: a strategy to identify EELA-2 applications that could benefit from EELA-2 services a strategy to identify new services a strategy to identify OurGrid-enabled applications –Give support for gridfying applications, especially those using the new JRA1 services Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,
E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Interactions among JRA1, SA1, and NA3 –SA1 and JRA1 Understand how to integrate new services in the infrastructure Deal with the operation of the infrastructure given the new services Integrating monitoring, troubleshooting, accounting, etc. Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting,