Maternal Health 2010 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey
Antenatal care Delivery and postnatal care © 2001 Marcel Reyners, Courtesy of Photoshare
Antenatal Care by Provider Percent distribution of women with a live birth in the past 5 years *Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, or midwife. 89% of women received ANC from a skilled provider
Trends in ANC ANC by a skilled provider has increased since 2005, when only 69% of women received this care.
Timing of Antenatal Care and Number of Visits 59% of women went to their first ANC visit during the 1 st trimester of pregnancy, as recommended. 59% of women had 4 or more ANC visits, as recommended. 10% of women had no ANC visits.
Components of Antenatal Care 89% took iron tablets or syrup during last pregnancy 45% took intestinal parasite drugs 80% were informed of signs of pregnancy complications 91% had blood pressure measured 91% were weighed 45% had blood samples taken 36% had urine samples taken
Tetanus Toxoid Injections 85% of last births were protected against neonatal tetanus. 61% of women received two or more TT injections during their last pregnancy.
Antenatal care Delivery and postnatal care © 2001 Marcel Reyners, Courtesy of Photoshare
Place of Delivery Percent distribution of live births in the 5 years before the survey
Assistance During Delivery Percent distribution of births in the past 5 years 72% of births were delivered by a skilled birth attendant. *Skilled birth attendant includes doctor, nurse, or midwife.
Delivery by Skilled Provider Mondol Kiri/ Rattanak Kiri 38% Preah Vihear/ Steung Treng 28% Kampong Thom 48% Kratie 44% Siem Reap 73% Otdar Mean Chey 64% Banteay Mean Chey 69% Battambang/Pailin 78% Pursat 74% Kampong Cham 68% Kampong Chhnang 69% Preah Sihanouk/ Koh Kong 79% Kampot/Kep 67% Kampong Speu 68% Takeo 85% Svay Rieng 90% Prey Veng 59% Kandal 87% Phnom Penh 99%
Delivery by Skilled Provider by Education Percent distribution of live births in the past 5 years assisted by a skilled provider* *Skilled birth attendant includes doctor, nurse, or midwife.
Trends in Delivery Care Assistance at delivery has improved since 2005.
Postnatal Care 54% of mothers had a postnatal checkup within 4 hours of delivery 26% of mothers had no postnatal checkup within 41 days of delivery
Key Findings 89% of women received antenatal care from a skilled provider (doctor, nurse, or midwife) at least once 54% of women deliver in a health facility; 45% deliver at home 71% of women were assisted at birth by a skilled provider 26% of women did not receive a postnatal check up Antenatal care and assistance at delivery have improved markedly since 2005.