Developing Program Learning Outcomes To help in the quality of services
Program Learning Outcomes What is essential to this degree or certificate program Why are students enrolling Why are students enrolling What does the public think a student with this degree or certificate should know and/or be able to do What does the public think a student with this degree or certificate should know and/or be able to do
Learning Outcomes Statements describing what you expect students to know and or be able to do as a result of completing a particular degree or certificate program (or just a series of courses in some instances)
Purpose of Developing Outcomes Modify, shape, and improve programs Evaluate programs not personnel Assist in meeting accreditation requirements, models of best practices, and national benchmarks
Deciding on the program outcomes Why are you offering this program? Why are students enrolling in this course? What knowledge and/or skills will students gain from using this service? What knowledge and/or skills will students gain from taking this course?
Objectives vs. Outcome Objectives : Are more a list of the content that will be covered in a particular program.
Counseling Objectives Coincide with the Institutional Learning Outcomes Communication Communication Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Global Awareness Global Awareness Information Management Information Management Personal and Professional Development Personal and Professional Development
To achieve the learning outcomes: Skills students will master in the class: Speaking in a group setting Outlining a speech Analyzing the speaking situation, the audience, and speaking in general Concepts: Delivery Delivery Audience analysis Audience analysis Outlining Outlining Language Language Persuasion Persuasion
Writing Learning Outcomes Active verbs that describe the desired result at the end try to avoid using action verbs that cannot be measured try to avoid using action verbs that cannot be measured (know, become aware of, appreciate, learn, understand, become familiar with )
Writing Learning Outcomes Is it measurable? Is it meaningful? Is it manageable? Who is the target audience of my outcome? Who would know if my outcome has been met? How will I know if it has been met? Will it provide me with evidence that will lead me to make a decision for continuous improvement?
Sample Counseling Learning Outcomes Students will walk away from a counseling session with: an understanding of their personal responsibility in creating their own academic, personal, and professional successes. an awareness of how to utilize the necessary information, resources, and options available for them to make sound educational and lifelong decisions. an understanding of what they need to do to achieve their desired goals.
At the end of the semester, students will know and/or be able to: construct a clear general purpose, specific purpose, and thesis statement with the intent of focusing the speech to one topic; assessment will include collection of working and/or formal outlines, in class activities, quizzes and exams and/or assignments construct a well structured speech by properly identifying an introduction, body and conclusion; assessment will include collection of working and/or formal outlines, in class activities, quizzes and exams and/or assignments identify the skills displayed by a competent speaker by analyzing their own speeches, classmates speeches, and/or a professional speech in the community; assessment will include collection of analysis, in class discussion and/or activities and assignments describe how a speech should be tailored to a specific audience; assessment will include evaluation of impromptu and formal speeches, quizzes and exams and/or activities and assignments demonstrates the ability to deliver a well-structured speech to the class; assessment will include evaluation of impromptu and formal speeches
Assessment We need to seriously ask ourselves if students are learning the skills and knowledge that they will need to be successful in a career that requires this degree or certificate
Assessment Students need to understand the expectations of the level of learning and also how they are assessed.
Assessment Pair sharing Collaborative Learning Written analysis Speeches (formal and informal) Exam Reflection paper Student Debates