The Mayflower: An American Epic Scene 1: The Separatists *
Scrooby England, A Small Town Near London, 1606
Hear Ye! All hear your royal ruler, King James the First of England
Your king has spoken! Now go back to your homes!
I cannot accept the king’s religion. I must be free to choose my own way to pray to God. William Bradford
Yes! I agree with young Will Bradford! My prayers are between God and me. The church should be plain and simple and not have candles and other distracting things all over the altar.
And to have an organ in a church, playing’s awful! It’s the music of the devil!
And Sunday should be spent in fasting and in prayer...not in merry-making.
But do you hold your self above the King?
No. I will accept the king as the ruler of England. I will pay my taxes. But I will not accept the Church of England! I will pray to God in my own way.
But we do not have these choices. We must do as the king orders. Otherwise we will be punished.
Because we do not follow the rules of the Church of England the king has raised our taxes.
But we do not have these choices. We must do as the king orders. Otherwise we will be punished. Because we do not follow the rules of the Church of England the king has raised our taxes. I say the church and the government should be separate. Let us start a church of our own. Let us call ourselves Separatists.
I say young Will Bradford is right. We should start our own church. I’m tired of being treated unfairly by the king.
And it’s not only the king. We have been insulted by the people of the town. Even some of our own neighbors have turned against us.
Yes, they even sing this song about us...
The King’s officers have been very unfair to us. My friend was whipped on his bare back for a very small wrong.
And a poor hungry man was hanged for stealing a loaf of bread...just because he was one of us.
The King’s officers have been very unfair to us. My friend was whipped on his bare back for a very small wrong. And a poor hungry man was hanged for stealing a loaf of bread...just because he was one of us. If we speak against the king, I’m afraid we’ll be driven out of this country without a penny to our names...
But where can we go to find freedom of religion?
Yes, I too, fear the king.
I repeat what I have said many times! I must be free to choose my own way to pray to God. What do you say Elder Carver?
I agree
And you, Edward Winslow?
I agree.
And you, William Brewster? I agree as well even if it means we must leave England and move to another country.
You mean leave our homes and our property?
That’s exactly what I mean.
Holland is not far away, and the government there will allow us to pray to God as we choose.
But, how will we pay for this trip? Most of us are just poor farmers...
We can sell all that we own. But, how will we pay for this trip? Most of us are just poor farmers...
Do we all agree then?
Shh...quiet, everyone! Quiet!! Put out the candle someone is coming!
In the name of the king, you are all under arrest!
Secret meetings are against the law! Come out with your hands up!