Graph Concepts and Algorithms Using LEDA By Caroline Moore and Carmen Frerichs (252a-at and 252a-ao) each graph in the presentation was created using gw_basic_graph_algorithms
1. Vertices, Edges vertex edge
2. Multiple Edges, Loops Multiple edge loop
3. Undirected Graph
4. Directed Graph
5. Simple Graph A simple graph has no multiple edges and no loops.
6. Examples of graphs and multigraphs This is both a graph and a multigraph (multigraph is a graph containing multiple edges) Multiple edge
7. Special classes of graphs: complete A complete graph is one in which each node is connected to every other node.
7b. Special classes of graphs: bipartite A bipartite graph has two or more classes. Vertices cannot connect within their own class. Class AClass B
8. Planar Graphs A planar graph has no crossed edges.
11. Subgraph of a Graph Original Graph Subgraph: Induced Subgraph:
13. Path in an undirected graph A path is a collection of edges which connect nodes in a graph without creating cycles.
14. Path in a directed graph
15. Hamilton Path in an undirected graph A Hamilton Path is a path which connects all of the vertices in a graph without creating a cycle.
16. Hamilton path is an directed graph
17. Cycle in an undirected graph A cycle is a path in which all vertices have degree 2.
18. Cycle in an undirected graph
19. Hamilton cycle in an undirected graph A Hamilton cycle is a cycle connecting all vertices in a graph.
20. Hamilton cycle in a directed graph
28. Cyclic and acyclic digraph A cyclic digraph An acyclic digraph
38. Tree A tree is an acyclic connected graph.
39. Forest A forest is a graph containing multiple trees