September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview1 Overview of VTX Strip Group Activities Abhay Deshpande SUNY-SB For Si Strip Group
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview2 Active Sub-Groups 1.Junji/Atsushi et al. RIKEN 2.Vince et al. ORNL 3.Doug/Martin et al. UNM 4.Kieran/Junkichi et al. BNL/SBU R&D Ongoing Testing Facilities Getting Ready
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview3 RIKEN-ORNL Activities Stripixel sensor development –The 1 st prototype fabricated and tested Expected position resolutions. S/N and charge sharing property is needed to be improved. –The 2 nd prototype fabricated Finer stripixel structure. Charge sharing property is expected to be improved. S/N will be tested with SVX4 by April –Test production in SINTEF and Hamamatsu under development. Sensor + SVX4 chip (+AC coupling) test by Apr SVX4 readout board development done by the end of Feb. ROC (w/ SVX4s) prototype by Oct Sensor + ROC tests by the end of Ladder test by the middle of A.D. & J.T. February04 1 day meeting
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview4 Status of Test Wafers from CNTF and HMMTS CNTF wafers (17) arrived at RIKEN last week To be sent to BNL and UNM for testing –1 at RIKEN, 8 at BNL/SBU and 8 at UNM –Presently to confirming adequate storage capacity at UNM and BNL (see Junji’s slides) HMMTS wafers expected by the end of September 2004 To be sent out for testing to BNL and UNM Both are on schedule
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview5 UNM Ready End of September’04 Probe card and testing facility (probe station) is ready to start doing measurements as soon as they get: –Pico-ammeter, voltmeter etc. etc. etc. –Atsushi will send them to UNM from RIKEN in the coming week Likely that UNM ready and will start doing test measurements by End of September 2004
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview6 BNL/SBU not quite ready, but.. Will be Mid-End October’04 Kieran + Junkichi are testing setup in the Instrumentation lab with the semi-automatic probe station (details in Junkichi’s talk) –Comparison of manual vs. semi-automatic probe station on wafers with Cone design (spiral design for future) That facility is planned to move to RBRC/205 lab for about 1 year or so (until SBU lab becomes available) for us to do the test production wafer testing. Plan to get the BNL/RBRC facility ready by Mid-End of October (~2- 3 week delayed) –Details and reasons follow….
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview7 The plan A --> B Appx. 1/3 of RBRC 205 lab to converted in to a clean room Kieran, Junkichi, Yuji, Rich Hutter (SBU), Atsushi & Abhay made initial plans Cleanliness needed, needed asked for estimates for cost of emptying, cleaning and setting up clean room BNL: union estimate came 1.5 months late and WAY beyond our limits (time wasted!) Plan B is in progress and will be ready in about 5-6 weeks (from now)
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview8 The plan B…(cont) To order from Clean Air Products Series 577 vertical flow soft-wall modular clean room –12 ft x 12 ft x 8.6 ft –Class 100 –Internal filters, lighting etc. etc. –Delivery 2 weeks, Cost about $14.0k Ordered the cleaning of the ceiling in will take 1 day, order pending for 4-5 weeks. –Safer solution with cheaper option of the clean room We should be ready to go by October (mid-end) 2004
September 7, 2004Si VTX Strip Overview9 SBU plans on track: SBU-HEP group getting ready for their tests We will contribute and learn Si Lab with the probe station for PHENIX by Spring 05 as expected Movement on finding a Bonding Machine –Rich & Abhay: K&S 8060 (identical to RIKEN’s new purchase) got the initial quote –Supporting letter from PHENIX vtx group --> PHENIX --> would be requested soon (this or next week) that we would want it. –AD will approach funding sources local, details to be finalized as soon as PHENIX VTX group makes their statement clear: that we would want it. In future to be included along with the Semi-Automatic probe station as a complete Si lab facility at SBU dedicated to PHENIX and D0