Dilution Refrigerators with Superconducting Magnets Andrey Penzev, Project Engineer, Cryogenic Ltd
Integration of Cryogen Free DR(Leiden Cryogenics) with Superconducting Magnet Option1: Cryogen Free Room Temperature Bore Magnet with Insertable DR DR and superconducting magnet cooled by separate pulse tube coolers Modular system. Easy to interchange DR with other inserts Use with top-loading probe or bottom-loading DR Fields up to 16 T Suitable for use with our range of cryogen-free magnet systems Room Temperature magnet bore; 50 mm sample space in DR Suitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000
Integration of Cryogen Free DR(Leiden Cryogenics) with Superconducting Magnet Option2: Modular Cryogen Free System in Shared Vacuum Space Dilution Refrigerator (DR) and high field magnet in shared cryostat Separate pulse-tube coolers for magnet and DR Top loading Leiden DR for temperatures down to 10mK Large 3D cryogen free vector magnet (9 T / 5 T / 1 T) 4 Tesla rotating magnetic field vector Use with top-loading probe for easy sample change 50 mm 4K magnet bore, 30 mm sample space in DR
Integration of Cryogen Free DR(Leiden Cryogenics) with Superconducting Magnet Option3: Cryogen-Free DR with Integrated Magnet Magnet thermally linked to the cryocooler 2nd stage Ideal for smaller magnets up to 17T or small vector magnets up to 7T/2T/2T Single pulse tube cryocooler for cooling both magnet and DR Magnet operation at 4K Use with top-loading probe Fast Sample Change 64 mm magnet bore, 50 mm sample space in DR
Integration of Cryogen Free DR(Leiden Cryogenics) with Superconducting Magnet Option4: Cryogen Free Magnet & Integrated Variable Temperature Sample Space With DR Insert Adapted MCK model DR inserted into 50 mm 1.6 K–300 K VTI VTI cooling power used for condensing stage of DR Versatile solution as the magnet system can also be used with other inserts and measurement probes including He3, heated probes, rotator, VSM etc. Bottom loading DR with options of sample in liquid or sample in vacuum Suitable for use with systems up to 18 T and neutron-scattering split-pair systems 50mm 4K magnet bore, 30mm sample space in DR
Compensated Magnets for CF Dilution Refrigerators Field up to 16T Magnetic field compensation on the mixing chamber plate: Standard: down to 300 Gauss; Improved: down to 100 Gauss.
Top-Loading Sample Probe with Wire Connection at Mixing Chamber 72 dc wires, 8 coaxial cables Sample at T<10mK without field; at T<17mK at 14T => Fast sample exchange
Dilution Refrigerator Insert with Sample Loading Tube UHV compatible sample loading tube (for STM applications – UNISOKU Co., Ltd, Japan) Liquid helium cryostat with solenoid up to 16T or vector magnet 9T-2T-2T with 75mm bore; DR base temperature < 30mK; Sample access tube Ø16mm/Ø19mm; Sample space Ø66mm x 165mm long.
Dilution Refrigerator Insert with Sample Loading Tube
Automated Gas Handling System The gas handling system is specifically designed for safe and reliable handling of 3He-4He mixture gas during operation of a dilution refrigerator. The system electronics is based on OMRON industrial automation components to provide fault-free operation. Touchscreen interface provides a manual mode as well as a set of automated sequences for helium mixture condensation, circulation and recovery.
Work in progress: DR Option for Cryogen Free Measurement System Cooling insert compatible with 25mm/30mm VTI: Field up to 18T; Base temperature goal: 50mK; achieved: 75mK for 25mm, 65mK for 30mm.
Work in progress: DR Option for Cryogen Free Measurement System Sample change and ultralow temperature measurements within 1 working day! Compatible with our universal 6-pin plug
THANK YOU Leaders in integrated DR/magnet system technology Flexibility in meeting customers’ requirements Complete control of all aspects of design, technology and production Extended customer support including on-line assistance with programming and running experiments THANK YOU