How does the ocean move? How did it move in the past? What are the main sources and sinks of elements? What are the processes controlling the distribution of elements in the ocean? How is studying new elements/isotope changing what we know? Themes: Climate, ocean circulation, biogeochemistry, pollution DTP - Oxford1November 26 th, 2015 Oceanography - Key questions
Techniques: Modelling ~ groundhog day? DTP - Oxford2November 26 th, 2015 physics biogeochemistry data
B.S. Biology Switzerland - cellular, eukaryotic Hawaii - B.S. Marine biology Actually worked on ocean chemistry M.S. Oceanography Univ. of Hawaii Actually worked on coastal microbial pollution Ph.D. Geosciences Princeton Univ. Actually worked on … (too?) many things Postdoc Univ of Oxford Still work on many things Mostly modelling trace element and isotopes in the ocean Career path DTP - Oxford3November 26 th, 2015
Techniques: elements and isotopes DTP - Oxford4November 26 th, 2015 Elements = electronic structure control the chemistry Isotopes = nuclear structure tracers of processes