Exams – Getting the ‘simple’ bit’ right. What is expected of you before, during and after an exam.
Equipment, don’t assume you can borrow; it’s your responsibility to arrive equipped. There is nothing worse in a ‘stressful’ exam having the person in front of you keep putting up their hand to borrow a pen, a ruler and so on. It disturbs others and it takes away your focus from the exam, so come prepared. BLACK pens (2 or 3). Pencil Ruler Calculator (without the lid). Highlighters – helps you understand the questions. Rubber Sharpener Protractor (Maths, Science, sometimes Geography, so have one). Clear pencil cases only. All students must be in full school uniform when sitting examinations
Water bottles and Calculators… If bringing a water bottle into the exam, the label must be removed. Calculator lids must be removed and left in your school bag.
Storage devices… Leave these in your bags. They are not allowed in the Exam Rooms.
Lining up… Students should be outside the examination hall (Sports Hall) at least 15 minutes before the start of the examination. Leave your bag in your form room (with any mobiles, storage devices). Line up as instructed in alphabetical order. Wait quietly. Make sure you listen carefully to instructions. Head of Departments will give any instructions for the exam ‘outside’ so if you aren’t listening you will miss out.
Entry… Once you go through the Sports Hall door (or you are entering your exam room e.g. Conference Rooms). There is no talking. If you talk, you will be asked to leave. Members of staff will direct you. If any member of staff gives an instruction you follow it, in silence. We have several staff who make up the Exams Team, these may be staff you do not know, but you should follow everything they say.
In the exams… Exams Cards: You will all have a photographic exam card on the exam desk, which will include your name, candidate number, centre name and number. You must not deface these cards. The cards are placed on the desks in exam number order, not alphabetical order. Face the front at all times. Do not try to communicate with others. Raise your hand and wait in silence if you have an issue or need to ask a question.
Exiting the exam… The exam rules still apply when the papers are being collected in. You should not try to talk or communicate with anyone. You must not talk until you have left the Sports Hall or your exam room. If an examination finishes after 3.15pm students will be expected to make their own way home as school transport will have left the site.