Motion, Forces, and Simple Machines Unit Week 37 Directions 1.Prepare your desk for science. Science notebook 2.Use voice level 0 (conversation) to review notebook pg. 93. Think about this question: “What is a lever? What are the parts of a lever? What does it help do?”
Looking Ahead… MTWThF Simple Machines Investigation #1 Simple Machines Investigation #2 ReviewForces & Motion test Simple Machines test
Targets & Warm Up Targets: Students will perform investigations to observe the effect of force on distance. Warm Up: What is a lever? What are the parts of a lever? What does it help do?
Table of Contents DateTitlePage Lever Investigation94, 95 Once you are finished with the Table of Contents, go to page 94 & 95 and add the title and date to the top of the page.
Before we begin… This is an investigation, not an official experiment. Make a hypothesis Follow procedures (will not do multiple trials) Fill in a data table Make a graph No formal analysis and conclusion (only reflection questions)
Simple Machines Machines help us by making work easier. They help us use less force to do work.
Question How does the distance of the fulcrum and load of a lever affect the force (effort) needed to lift the load?
Background Research
Hypothesis If the fulcrum is ( closer to / further from ) the load, then ( more force / less force ) is needed to lift the load.
Materials 1 ruler 2 small cups (labeled Load and Effort) 1 white board marker Tape 1 eraser Paperclips
Procedure 1.Tape the white board marker flat on the middle of the desk. 2.Place the ruler (with cups attached to each end) on top of the white board marker so that it is located at the 15 cm line. 3.Measure the distance between the white board and load cup. 4.Place the eraser into the load cup. 5.Drop paperclips one by one into the cup until the eraser is lifted. Record the number of paperclips. 6.Repeat steps 1 to 4 but place the ruler so that the white board maker is located at 20 cm, 25 cm, 10 cm, and 5 cm.
Analysis (Data Table)
Analysis (Graph)
Reflection Questions 1.What does the white board marker represent in this experiment? What does the eraser represent? What do the paperclips represent? 2.What to more paperclips mean? What do less paperclips mean? 3.What did you change in this experiment? What happened as a result? 4.What is the effect of force on distance?
Answer the Question… How does the distance of the fulcrum and load of a lever affect the force (effort) needed to lift the load? The closer the fulcrum is to the load, the less force is required to lift the load.
Targets (Revisited) Students will perform investigations to observe the effect of force on distance.
Homework SubjectHomeworkDue Date ScienceNone