Computer Center Yu Yeon Su
Contets 1. Computer Center? 2. History of the CERN Computer Center 3. World Wide Web (WWW) 4. LHC Grid 5. Q&A
Computer Center?
History of the CERN Computer Center Ferranti Mecury (1958) - Vacuum tube - IBM mainframe (1960) - 32 kilobyte - record photographic film. - CDC7600 & IBM mainframe - To serve the interests of different user groups. - Cray vector supercomputer (1988) - Processing power of about 50 ‘CERN’ units.
History of the CERN Computer Center RISC technology (RISC : Reduced Instruction Set Chip) - Farm of 3000 PCs (2005) - Total of CPUs (2008) - Cutting edge for decades
History of the CERN Computer Center
World Wide Web (WWW) Advantage First. Consistent user interface Second. The role of distributed information storage Third. Active participation in virtual organizations or community Tim Berners Lee
LHC Grid
Q&A Thank you