PMIS Update Provided by DHRM’s ITech Division November 19, 2015
I heard rumors that changes were coming to DHRM’s PMIS system. What’s happening?
Background O Today the PMIS and BES systems run on a computer called a “mainframe”. O The costs to continue to operate on the mainframe (~$15M+ annually) will quickly become prohibitive for DHRM unless DHRM takes action.
So… What is DHRM doing? O DHRM is in the process of moving PMIS and BES to run on servers rather than on a mainframe. O This move will enable DHRM to avoid the tremendous, rising mainframe costs.
This migration is considered “Like for Like” O Screens that look like this today… O … will continue to look the same after the migration
Why this approach (and not a new system)? O Time Constraints– O to avoid prohibitive mainframe cost increases DHRM had to move before July 2016 O timeframe did not allow enough time for other options O Costs – O a new system at this time could also be cost prohibitive to implement and maintain O Risk Mitigation – O this approach minimizes risk on a number of fronts (including impact to agency HR staff)
How am I affected? O Only minimally… O There will be a new way to log into PMIS & BES (as opposed to typing your userid and password at the bottom of a screen) O The system will run completely in the browser (Internet Explorer 11) O Everything else should remain essentially the same, so there is no need to re-train those who use PMIS and BES today. O REMEMBER: This is a like-for-like migration. This is not a systems upgrade
And… What’s the timeframe for this migration? Target: Mid-June 2016 (to allow Open Enrollment and other activities to conclude) DHRM will provide additional updates as the implementation date draws closer
For additional information O Please reach out to DHRM’s IT Director, Belchior Mira