Good Morning Today is ____________________. Sometimes when I am alone I feel________. I __________ making new friends. The last time I talked to someone new and made a new friend, I felt ____________!
Good Morning! Today is __________________________. Old friends are ________________. New friends are _______________. I think that good friends always __________. I have always tried to __________ my friends.
Good Morning! Today is _______________. I like to read stories. I can compare stories to know how they are _________ and _______. Once I hunted through a story and I ______ it. My favorite story is _____________.
Good Morning! Today is ___________. I like poems about _______________. A poem is different from a story because it ______________. I try to ___________ poems, too. I would like to write a poem about my best __________.
Good Morning! Today is ____________. This week we read about ______________. I learned that sometimes it is _____________ to be alone. Sometimes it is ____________ to be with friends. But it is always ___________ to be myself.