Twenty Questions Subject: Great Britain Учитель английского языка МОУ «Гимназия №7» (полного дня) г.Оренбурга Гринцова С.Н
Twenty Questions
1. How many parts has England. 5 parts.
2. How many parts has Great Britain. 4 parts.
3. What are the highest mountains in Great Britain. Snowdon and Ben Nevis.
4. Where Shakespeare was born. He was born in Stratford – upon- Avon.
5. What is a capital of Wales. It is Cardiff.
6. What is the capital of England. It is London
7. What is a capital of Scotland. It is Edinburgh.
8. What is a patron saint of Scotland. St. Andrew.
9. What is a patron saint of Wales.. St. David.
10. What language does Welsh come. Celtic
11. Who is the author of My Harts is in the Highlands. Robert Burns.
12. Name 2 parts of Scotland. Highlands and lowlands.
13. Name 5 parts of England. The North of England East Anglia The Midlands The Southeast The Southwest.
14. Name 4 parts of Great Britain. England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
15. How many miles are between Glasgow and Edinburgh. 45 miles
16. Name the biggest airport of England. Heathrow
17. In what country can you see a Mountain Rescue Serves Wales.
18. Where does the Queen live. Buckingham Palace
19. What title has Prince Charles. The prince of Wales
20. How do English call their flag Union Jack