State of ESMF: The NUOPC Layer Gerhard Theurich NRL/SAIC ESMF Executive Board / Interagency Working Group Meeting June 12, 2014
NUOPC National Unified Operational Prediction Capability – Consortium of U.S. operational weather and water prediction centers. Participants: NOAA, Navy, Air Force, NASA, and other associated modeling groups. Goals: – Improve collaboration among agencies. – Accelerate the transition of new technology into the operational centers. NUOPC websites: – –
The NUOPC Layer An interoperability layer on top of ESMF that adds: Definitions for the component interactions during Initialize, Run, Finalize methods. Generic components that provide a standard implementation of interoperable components. A field dictionary, based on Climate&Forecast (CF) conventions, as the basis for a standard identification of fields between components. Mechanisms to report component incompatibilities detected during run-time. A compliance checker option that serves as a development and debugging tool. A collection of example applications.
NUOPC Layer status Part of the ESMF distribution, first: → July 2011, ESMF v5.2.0r Production release, first: → May 2013, ESMF v6.2.0 Current production quality release: → Jan. 2014, ESMF v6.3.0r Active work on new features based on feedback from modeling groups and the NUOPC Contents Standards Committee (CSC): → ESMF v7 development
Model : Implements a specific physical domain, e.g. atmosphere, ocean, wave, ice. Mediator : Scientific coupling code (flux calculations, accumulation, averaging, etc.) between (potentially multiple) Models. Connector : Connects pairs of components in one direction, e.g. Model to/from Model, or Model to/from Mediator. Executes simple transforms (Regrid/Redist, units). Driver : Provides a harness for Models, Mediators, and Connectors (supporting hierarchies). Coordinates initialize and run sequences. NUOPC Layer Generic Components
Examples of Architectural Options ATM OCN ATM OCN ATM OCN WAVICEMED WAV ICE MED OCN ICE OCN LND MED ATM1 ATM2 ICE OCN LND MED ATM 1 ATM 2 ATM 3 src dst src dst src dst
Current implementation Future implementation Dummy implementation Model Connector Mediator Driver Key: Project page on Earth System CoG:
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